Once you get the hang of this cheat, you will be able to create rooms that are intricate, beautiful, and practical, depending on how you place items. If you want more customization, there are a few more cheats that might be useful as well. Sims 4 Build Mode Cheats Besides the ...
27th December 2016 4:59pm 0 New Anciiisays... When I move my sim to a different lot is there a way to transfer the items you got from your job; posters, small things, rugs? 10th January 2017 6:02am 1 New NeeeedHelpsays... OMG I just did this and the people I moved out ...
I have moo cheat active but it literally doesn’t do anything anymore. I can scale items bigger and smaller but cannot move them up...","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjQuMTJ8Mi4xfGl8MTB8Mzk6MXxpbnQsMTA5OTYwODIsMTA5...