前两年去FACEBOOK参观的时候,看到墙上的那句标语:Move fast and break things. 印象很深刻。听FB的朋友解释,这是FB早期的信条,快速地做出产品,不怕犯错。因为那时候,时间就是金钱,早一步做出产品,再在过程中不断迭代打磨,就可以更好地生存下去。当然,现在FB的信条已经不完全是这个了,因为现在体量太大,犯错的成...
You’ve heard the phrase “move fast and break things.”Facebook made it famous. But really, Mark just made the mistake of saying it out loud and putting it on company posters. By the way, Mark and I are not on a first-name basis. 各位一定听过这句话“快速行动,打破局面”这句话已经...
A stinging polemic that traces the destructive monopolization of the Internet by Google, Facebook and Amazon, and that proposes a new future for musicians, journalists, authors and filmmakers in the digital age. Move Fast and Break Things is the riveting account of a small group of libertarian ...
It was only 12 years ago thatMark Zuckerberg,CEO of Facebook, declared that the company’s culture was to “move fast and break things.” Perhaps he was thinking narrowly about software, and telling engineers that they shouldn’t be afraid to try new things just because it might b...
Facebook 早年有个标语move fast and break things”,深得Hacker人心。但后来随着问题积累,move fast还会提,但break things已经不敢讲了,因为规模太大了不能出事故。2014年,Facebook将其座右铭变成明显不那么有魅力的“用稳定的基础架构快速行动”,Facebook变成了一家成熟企业。这也是潘乱力主把本文标题从“机器之...
Move Fast and Break Things is the riveting account of... (展开全部) 作者简介· ··· 乔纳森·塔普林(Jonathan Taplin) 南加州大学安纳堡创新实验室的名誉主任,也是鲍勃·迪伦和The Band乐队的前巡回演出经理,以及马丁·斯科塞斯、维姆·文德斯和格斯·范·桑特所导电影的制片人。作为数字媒体娱乐方面的专家,...
作者: Facebook有句海盗格言,即“快速行动,打破局面”(move fast and break things),这种格言标志着这样一种观点,即最好是有缺陷的第一名而不要小心谨慎和追求完美。$Facebook(FB)$
Facebook标语 | 1.Done is better than perfect. 完成比完美更重要 2.Code wins arguments. 代码胜于争论,代码赢得争论 3.Move fast and break things. 快速行动,打破常规 4.Stay focused and keep shipping. 保持专注,持续发布 发布于 2023-03-06 11:04・IP 属地江苏 ...
马克·扎克伯格最不能忍受的是公司放慢脚步。 「Move fast and Break things(快速行动,打破常规)」,这句话多年来被当做公司的行动指南,被印刷在 Facebook 办公园区的墙壁上,随处可见。这同时也是扎克伯格经营理念的最大特点,在这样的思路指导下,这个诞... 网页链接
move fast and break things 快速突破,除旧立新 双语对照 例句:1.Or it may be a consequence of a corporate culture that, to use a facebook motto, preaches "move fast. Break things."这也可能是公司文化使然,正像“脸谱”网站座右铭宣扬的那样“快速突破,除旧立新”。2.The agreements ...