您可以通过在Outlook中拖放将约会轻松地移动到其他日历。 在日历视图中,选择要移动的约会,将其拖放到目标日历上突出显示导航窗格。 看截图: 使用“移至文件夹”功能将约会移至差异日历 除了拖放以外,您还可以通过以下方式将约会移动到其他日历:“移动到文件夹”Outlook中的功能。 1.在日历查看,双击打开您将移动的约会。
For moving recurring appointment or meeting to another calendar in Outlook, please do as follows. 1. Shift to Calendar view by clicking Calendar in Navigation Pane. 2. Check to display the calendars which the recurring appointment or meeting existing in and the calendar which you want to move ...
Copy/forward all existing emails from one email account in Outlook to Gmail account With Kutools for Outlook’s Forward (Multiple Mails) feature, you can quickly forward all or multiple emails to any email account separately in Outlook. 1. In the Mail view, open one mail folder of...
How to Find Outlook PST File Location Finding the location of the Outlook PST file is quite a straightforward affair. However, it might be a bit different for users on older Windows, such as Windows 7, 8, or the earlier builds of Windows 10, such as the 1507 version. However, you don...
Use this class only when you have to access an earlier event in this class that has been subsequently extended in a later version of Outlook. Otherwise, use the .NET interface derived from the COM coclass. For information about the .NET interface, see Folder. C# 複製 public virtual void...
2.1.1196 Part 1 Section 19.7.48, ST_TLTriggerEvent (Trigger Event) 2.1.1197 Part 1 Section 19.7.55, ST_ViewType (List of View Types) 2.1.1198 Part 1 Section, bldChart (Build Chart) 2.1.1199 Part 1 Section, bldDgm (Build Diagram) 2.1.1200 Part 1 Se...
2.1.1196 Part 1 Section 19.7.48, ST_TLTriggerEvent (Trigger Event) 2.1.1197 Part 1 Section 19.7.55, ST_ViewType (List of View Types) 2.1.1198 Part 1 Section, bldChart (Build Chart) 2.1.1199 Part 1 Section, bldDgm (Build Diagram) 2.1.1200 Part 1 Sec...
[EventId <String>]: The unique identifier of event [EventId1 <String>]: The unique identifier of event [JoinWebUrl <String>]: Alternate key of onlineMeeting [ListItemId <String>]: The unique identifier of listItem [ListItemVersionId <String>]: The unique identifier of listItemV...
After reassigning a booking to a new staff member, the booking remains in the original staff member's Outlook calendar and does not display in the new staff...
When to Change Outlook’s Home Calendar Time Zone There are two common scenarios in which a user will want to transition their Outlook Calendar between time zones: 1.When permanently moving between different time zones– For example, if a user relocates f...