If you need to take a recording of your PC or Mac screen, you’ll need a screen recording app. To help you find the best freescreen recorder for your PCor Mac, we’ve put together a definitive list of the top 22 screen recorders below. ...
Movavi Screen Recorder has free trial versions for Windows PCs and Mac computers. Both versions include an impressive set of editing tools that even the raw novice can grasp. You can also choose recording parameters, then hit the REC button and let the magic happen. For a quick start, you...
Vmaker is a freescreen recorderthat allows you to record your screen, webcam, voice, and computer audio. It provides unlimited cloud storage space, has no watermark, and comes with an in-built video editor. In addition to this, it provides multiple virtual backgrounds (screen + webcam mode...
Try Movavi Screen Recorder! Capture system sounds and microphone Record high-quality audio and video Trim recorded audio Download for Free Download for Free Edited byBen Jacklin January 8, 2025 22,959 We've detailed some of the best system audio recorders for you. The list includes desktop pro...
只要按一下下載按鈕,即可下載試用版程式。* 7000萬多 使用者 190多 個國家 15多次 每年次更新 6000多 效果可供選擇 4.5 4.3 4.6 4.5 Movavi Screen Recorder 的最新消息 捲動式截圖 不再需要永無止境地擷取螢幕畫面了。利用捲動式截圖功能來擷取單一螢幕無法呈現的內容吧。
Download for Free Pricing Record a clip on a PC for YouTube Choose this screen recorder and video editor for instant recognition on YouTube. Create high-quality screencasts in 4K. Showcase your talents by capturing just your screen or narrating over stock videos. Wow your subscribers with a ...
movavi screen recorder中文版是一款多功能专业屏幕录像工具,它集屏幕录像机和视频编辑器于一体,不仅能够录制屏幕外,还能够进行简单的视屏编辑功能,非常方便。而且软件使用起来非常的简单,即使没用用过这款软件的用户也能够很快的上手。最主要的是movavi screen recorder中文版还支持支持从屏幕录制视频、录制在线视频、使...
Online screen capture program:Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder A simple app for browser screen capture:Screencastify Here’s what Movavi’s team does to provide you with verified information: When selecting products to include in our reviews, we research both demand and popularity. ...
Movavi Screen Recorder The perfect way to record anything from your screen Download for FreeAbout the Windows version Download for FreeAbout the Mac version Disclaimer:Please be aware that Movavi Screen Recorder does not allow capture of copy-protected video and audio streams. ...
MovaviScreenRecorder——一款功能强大的屏幕录制软件,Movavi Screen Recorder 是一款适用于 Win / Mac 双平台的多流录屏截图软件,操作简单易用,同时提供录屏标注 / 剪辑、录制计划、屏幕镜头同录、录音、滚动截图等多种功能。本站只提供试用版下载,喜欢本软件请支持正版软件。