Mouvement relatif de deux bulles semblables qui évoluent dans un fluide au repos, à faibles nombres de ReynoldsFluid mechanicsDiphasic flowSmall Reynolds numberBubble interactionsBy using an iterative approach close to the method of reflections, the relative motion of two identical bubbles rising in...
Catalogue des Étoiles Doubles et Multiples en Mouvement relatif certain. Par Camille Flammarion. (Paris: G. Villars, 1878.) Access options Subscription info for Chinese customers We have a dedicated website for our Chinese customers. Please go tonaturechina.comto subscribe to this journal. Go ...
machine with two coaxial elements, do a mouvementrelatif, the joint between these two elements, it is a rolling membraneAn apparatus such as a hot gas engine and a compressor has a rolling diaphragm seal between adjacent walls of a piston and cylinder and supported by a liquid, and has an...