Have you ever developed a white painful sore with red borders inside of your mouth? These are called aphthous ulcers, better known as canker sores. These lesions are somewhat of a mystery as to why some people get them, but usually the cause could be rel
Antimicrobial mouthwash may speed up healing and prevent infection of the ulcer. Children under two shouldn't use this treatment. It also contains chlorexidine gluconate, which may stain teeth – but this may fade once treatment is finished. Painkillers are available as a mouthwash, lozenge, g...
If you can't get rid of your mouth ulcer as soon as you'd like, focus on improving your comfort instead. Apply an OTC numbing gel directly to your canker sore to get some instant relief.[1] Orabase is a great medication to consider for this. If the pain is really bad, an OTC ...