through England from the river on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast.###The highland zone The highland zone is a region of high hills and mountains in the north and west that are frequently broken by valleys and plains. Scotland, Wales and part of ...
As the train entered the mouth of the tunnel, the lights came on. 火车进入隧道入口时,灯亮了起来。 6. 【释义】 RIVER河流,the part of a river where it joins the sea 入海口,河口: 【例句】 the mouth of the River Tees 蒂斯河河口 ...
5entrancetheentranceto a largeholeorcaveAs the train entered the mouth of the tunnel, the lights came on. 6riverthe part of ariverwhere itjoinstheseathe mouth of the River Tees 7bottle/containerthe open part at the top of abottleorcontainer ...
5entrancetheentranceto a largeholeorcaveAs the train entered the mouth of the tunnel, the lights came on. 6riverthe part of ariverwhere itjoinstheseathe mouth of the River Tees 7bottle/containerthe open part at the top of abottleorcontainer ...
aArelal.of the paramTehteesrinseglleecvteiortnicaisl wbaelsleids coonnstihdeerleodgagsinthgedwaetlal caonndfigeuxrpaltoiorna.tDioenprdeasstauroizfatthioenriesseemrvpoloiry.eOd nastthhee other hand,dtihsseocTiOatiUonGmHe-thhyodd.rAatneaclyosdeseoifstohne eseonfsitthiveitmy oofsgtapsopproudlau...
The upper part 4 is made K socket figure 9. axial rotation mechanism K 4 is designed as a spring-loaded rod (C) 13 to the supporting washer 14 and the lug 15. The cross section 13 has a C cross-sectional shape of the socket 9 on R 4. Hosted C 13 in the axial channel of the...
5 entrance the entrance to a large hole or cave As the train entered the mouth of the tunnel, the lights came on.6 river the part of a river where it joins the sea the mouth of the River Tees7 bottle/container the open part at the top of a bottle or container...
5entrancetheentranceto a largeholeorcaveAs the train entered the mouth of the tunnel, the lights came on. 6riverthe part of ariverwhere itjoinstheseathe mouth of the River Tees 7bottle/containerthe open part at the top of abottleorcontainer ...
5entrancetheentranceto a largeholeorcaveAs the train entered the mouth of the tunnel, the lights came on. 6riverthe part of ariverwhere itjoinstheseathe mouth of the River Tees 7bottle/containerthe open part at the top of abottleorcontainer ...
5entrancetheentranceto a largeholeorcaveAs the train entered the mouth of the tunnel, the lights came on. 6riverthe part of ariverwhere itjoinstheseathe mouth of the River Tees 7bottle/containerthe open part at the top of abottleorcontainer ...