Armor Guard quality custom dental day and night guards for bruxism, grinding, clenching & TMJ relief. We also provide athletic guards, mouth guard style retainers, teeth whitening trays all at affordable pricing with superior customer service.
Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) Mouthguards Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a common condition that can wreak havoc on your oral health. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth enamel damage, jaw pain, and even temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.Teeth grinding mouthguardscan help alleviate nighttim...
Why are night guards worn? Night guards are usually worn to prevent teeth grinding that can wear down tooth surfaces, increasing the risk for decay, gum disease and even tooth loss, Grinding, or bruxism, can also cause temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), a condition that can cause chronic...
淺談顳顎關節症候群與咬合板治療 現代人工作、生活各方面壓力大,越來越多人在不知不覺中患上顳顎關節症候群,一開始你/妳可能不自覺,覺得自己出現張口、咀嚼、吞嚥疼痛,是因為近期工作壓力大、精神緊繃、時常熬夜睡眠不足所導致的不舒服症狀,以為只要之後多休息、睡飽即會改善,殊不知顳顎關節症候群已默默找上...