A snoring mouthpiece, also known as a mandibular advancement device (MDA), is an oral appliance designed to treat loud snoring and OSA. If CPAP machines aren’t for you, here are the main reasons to consider snoring mouthpieces such as the SnoreRx and SnoreRx Plus to treat sleep apnea. ...
“I started using mouth tape in my personal life to train my body to nasal breathe more for better and more restful sleep, but my wife was quick to point out that it also helped me to stop breathing loudly and snoring at night,” explains Dr. Jordan Burns. “Win-win!” ...
Boil and bite is an industry term that is simply used as a way to describe the way many oral appliances are custom molded to the contour of the teeth. When directed, the appliance is dropped into boiling water for a few seconds, slightly cooled and inserted between the teeth to take an...
This product was very easy to get use to. Worked better for me than another appliance that I first got for same purpose. I use it every night. 1 person found this helpful.Was this review helpful? byT.E.on 12/19/2013 OMG! what took me so long to find this product. My husband snor...
Maintenance for the rest of my life. I look on that as a positive. It’s really nice to be more connected with oneself and to life as opposed to just rushing around and having others “fix” you with surgery or an appliance. Knowing that we have the tools to heal ourselves is human...
I called in my husband. After he checked to make sure I had unplugged the appliance because he knows my history of ending up in the emergency room when I attempt DIY projects, my husband tried to pry the top off. He investigated the entire piece to make sure I had unscrewed everything...