To encourage feeding, 1 pellet was dopped per mouse per day until the fourth postnatal week. This was particularly important for recently weaned mice which have difficulty reaching the food hopper. Surgical preparation Mice were anesthetized with Isoflurane (Patterson Veterinary) in O2 (2% for ...
Water consumption 5–8 mL/day Food consumption 3–5 g/day Mice have very long loops of Henle in the kidneys, thus allowing for maximal concentration of their urine. As a result, urine output in mice usually consists of only a drop or two of highly concentrated urine at a time. They al...
Water consumption5–8mL/day Food consumption3–5g/day Mice have very long loops of Henle in the kidneys, thus allowing for maximal concentration of their urine. As a result, urine output in mice usually consists of only a drop or two of highly concentrated urine at a time. They also excr...
We speculated that administering taurine orally via water should be effective since taurine can cross the blood-brain barrier, albeit in small amounts44. Amount of water intake per mouse was calculated by measuring the water consumption every day for each cage. Body weight of each animal was ...
At the age of 14 weeks, animals were single-housed for four days, and their 24-h water consumption was measured as described previously[16]. Then, the animals were decapitated under isoflurane anaesthesia and tail tips were collected for further analysis. Videotapes were scored by an observer ...
You are required to provide a credit card number for all dining reservations. At most restaurants, a $10 per person penalty will be charged to the card if you don’t show for the reservation or if you don’t cancel at least 2 hours in advance. Some restaurants, such...
Rodent laboratory chow and water were provided ad libitum as mice were acclimated to the ambient temperature (Ta) of 26 ± 2°C for a minimum of 1 wk before experimentation (12:12-h light/dark cycle; lights on at 0600). All protocols were approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of the...
P. Californicus undergoes a daily period of torpor if its food supply is reduced below its ad libitum consumption. At an ambient temperature of 15@?C, 17 g of bird seed per 100 g body weight is required each day to maintain weight in the absence of torpor. If this food ration is ...
into 3 groups (n=15/group) with access to WD plus either: i) water for 16 weeks, ii) water and SSB-2h (12.6% w/v sucrose in water, random 2h period a day, random 5 days per week) for 16 weeks, or iii) water and SSB-2h for 8 weeks, then access to only water for 8 ...
Male C57BL/6 mice were infused with Ang II for 2 weeks and given 0.1% bainiku-ekisu containing water or normal water for 2 weeks with blood pressure evaluation. After 2 weeks, mice were euthanized, and the aortas were collected for evaluation of remodeling. Aortic medial hypertrophy was ...