on-site investigation of whistleblower complaints, and transparent publication of animal use and of inspection reports. Bringing RM into the AWA under USDA coverage would give these animals this level of oversight that primates, dogs, hamsters and other mammals receive. Without solid data on RM, i...
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative ...
NGS and GSEA enrichment revealed that enhanced Keap1-Nrf2 signaling in the myocardium promoted hundreds of ARE and downstream targets, even under unstressed conditions. While constitutively activated Nrf2 is detrimental to the heart, the transgenic expression of wild type Nrf2 could prime the transcripto...
Mickey's optimism is a double-edged sword, however, as while it pushes him to pursue his goals, it also causes him to underestimate trouble under the belief that he can do anything. In "Mickey's Piano Lesson", in fact, he justified his insolence by arrogantly proclaiming, "I'm Mickey...
Indeed, a number of studies have shown that a damaging insult to brain tissue is able to induce the PRKCD gene in cells such as cortical neurons, astrocytes and in microglia, in which it is not present under physiological conditions [48]. A summary of the results from this study showing ...
(windowHandle,self.windowHandle,x,y,w,h,win32con.SWP_NOSIZE|win32con.SWP_NOMOVE)#> Position the target window under <##> my window. <#self.raise_()#> This and the next line are <##> necessary. I don't understand why. <#self.activateWindow()self.setGeometry(x,y,w,h)#> Match...
Under a Creative Commons license open access Referred to by Corrigendum to “Proneurogenic and neuroprotective effect of a multi strain probiotic mixture in a mouse model of acute inflammation: Involvement of the gut-brain axis” [Pharmacol. Res. 172 (2021) 105795] Pharmacological Research, Volume...
Under a Creative Commons license open accessHighlights Abstract Solid phase microextraction (SPME) in combination with high-resolution mass spectrometry was employed for the determination of metabolomic profile of mouse melanoma growth within in vitro 2D, in vitro 3D, and in vivo models. Such multi-...
All animals described here were maintained on 12-h light/12-h dark conditions at Imperial College, CBS Unit, London, UK, under Home Office Project Licence 70/5071. Construction of mutant Rab27a transgenic vectors Two general transgenic constructs were constructed, the first contained the pigment...
*These positions are based on the coordinates in BED format Recalculation of promoter-level expression tables As in the previous report8, we counted the read counts under the CAGE peaks on the current genome assemblies. The counts were normalized as TPM (tags per million) after scaling by ...