Mouse Tweaks can use multiple APIs for an OnTick method that it requires. You can use this setting to control the API it prefers. This shouldn't really matter at all. If a method isn't supported (for example, you don't have the API installed) the mod will proceed to check the next...
Note that you do not need to put Mouse Tweaks on a server, it does nothing there. Fabric version is not affected so it stays at 2.20. 2.20 changes: Added a config menu accessible from the Mods menu in Forge and from Mod Menu in Fabric. RMB-dragging with a Bundle over items will ...
鼠标手势MOD增加了用鼠标快速移动物品的能力和拖拽机制,一切都可以在配置文件或Forge的mod选项菜单中启用和禁用。 配置文件:.minecraft /配置/ MouseTweaks.cfg,默认是全开启 功能一 配置文件设定(EnableRMBTweak = 1) 选择一堆物品,按住右键 拖动物品移动一圈,8个槽里就会放上一个圆石 功能二 配置文件设定 (Enabl...
A Minecraft mod that enhances inventory management. - MouseTweaks/build-neoforge.gradle at master · YaLTeR/MouseTweaks
A mod that enhances inventory management by adding various functions to the mouse buttons. How to build gradlew build Compatibility Mouse Tweaks should work with everything based on AbstractContainerScreen. If your GUI isn't based on AbstractContainerScreen, or if you want to provide additional com...
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7/WARN]: Non-Fabric mod JAR at "C:\Users\TLuser丶星辰\Desktop\.minecraft\versions\1.17.1-Fabric 0.11.6\mods\MouseTweaks-2.14-mc1.17.1.jar", ignoring [09:09:40] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7/WARN]: Non-Fabric mod JAR at "C:\Users\TLuser丶星辰\Desktop\....
Mouse Tweaks mod helps to give players back some of the time spent crafting simple objects like these. Instead of calling for a right click for each piece of the item to be crafted, Mouse Tweaks allows for a click and drag approach.
Mouse Tweaks Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4is a time saver mod to be exact for the Minecraft players. Previously players have to go through towards the tiring process or right-clicking and making the recipe but now the option is really simple but just dragging through the items and make it your ...
安装模组加载器(ModLoader) 或 Minecraft Forge。 将Mod zip 文件放入你的 mods 文件夹中。 无模组加载器 打开你的 minecraft.jar。 删除META-INF 文件夹。 打开Mouse Tweaks zip 文件。 将Mouse Tweaks zip 文件中的 class 文件拖到你的 minecraft.jar 中。
Mouse Wheelie is a Minecraft mod that’s been designed with the purpose of adding a great deal of new functionality to the mouse wheel so that players can