ELISpot assays employ the quantitative sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. A polyclonal antibody specific for mouse TNF-α has been pre-coated onto a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF)-backed microplate. Appropriately stimulated cells are pipetted into the wells and the microplate...
ELISA Capture: The purified MP6-XT22 antibody is useful as the capture antibody in a sandwich ELISA when used in conjunction with the biotinylated Poly5160 antibody (Cat. No. 516003) as the detection antibody and recombinant mouse TNF-α (Cat. No. 575209) as the standard. ...
(TNF-α),alsoknownascachectinandTNFSF1A,isthe prototypicligandoftheTNFsuperfamily(1).Itisapleiotropicmoleculethatplaysa centralroleininflammation,immunesystemdevelopment,apoptosis,andlipid metabolism(2-5).TNF-αisalsoinvolvedinanumberofpathologicalconditionsincluding asthma,Crohn’sdiease,rheumatoidarthritis,...