Use the most advanced mouse sensitivity converter/calculator to easily convert your sens between 1500+ games and 4000+ aims.
AimlabsMouse Sensitivity Calculator 1 Origin game Mouse Sensitivity Mouse DPI (optional) 2 Target game In-game sens & cm/360 0 0cm/360 How it works By selecting your input game and entering yoursensitivity, you can calculateyour optimal settingsfor the output game. You can even enter your ...
How to Use Calculator Select your game and input the sensitivity value found in your game config, then select the game you want to convert the value to, the result will be calculated and displayed immediately in the corresponding field below the input. ...
Dominate Your Game: Convert mouse sensitivity for 1000+ games and 2500+ aims. Achieve unparalleled precision and accuracy in your gameplay.
Mouse sensitivity calculator is not only able the mouse movement, but it has to do with how does it feels to move the mouse, what is it like to play the game, how are the driver’s of the game, how is the operating system of the game, how is the grip of the mouse when you try...
This mouse sensitivity converter/calculator is a free tool that allows you to convert and transfer sensitivities between different games. The converter supports many game conversions and provides an effortless way to maintain consistent sensitivity throughout the games you play. ...
Convert your mouse sensitivity between games so you can have the same aim no matter what game you are playing. No need to waste all your muscle memory by guessing your new sensitivity, get a quick start by using this simple sens converter tool.
Sensitivity Converter ↗🖱️ Polling Rate Tester🖱️ eDPI Calculator📝 Guides Click and hold anywhere on the screen and move your mouse5inches Pixels Moved Distance Unit inches 0 DPI Start measuring by clicking anywhere Scroll to Learn How to Use this Tool ...
This simple calculator will allow you to convert your sensitivity from one game to another without any hassle. This calculator is also useful if you want to increase or decrease your DPI but want to use the same sensitivity overall to maintain muscle memory. All you have to do is introduce ...
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