Save today with this special deal to protect two cars with two 12v MouseBlocker Pros and our 1000x for your garage. Save $30 with the MouseBlocker rodent protection. Starting at $339.95 View Package Low Power Draw The Mouse Blocker Classic was our first ultrasonic mouse deterrent dedicated to...
Instead of using deterrents indoors to encourage the critters to move along, you’ll want to attract them with inexpensive commercial mousetraps (otherwise they’ll just migrate elsewhere inside the dwelling). First remove any food sources they have found (look for bags or cardboard boxes chewed ...
Indoor Ultrasonic Mouse Rodent Deterrent Control Chaser Pest Repelle Top Grade Mouse-Killing Mouse Glue Trap Ai Intelligent Sonic Pulse Resonance Mouse Repellent New High-Power Ultrasonic Mosquito Repellent New Model Ultrasonic Rat Mouse Repellent S Onic Anti Mosquito Insect Pest Killer Repeller Rodent Co...
Spray your car with peppermint oil or other scent-based deterrents to drive out mice humanely and naturally. Set up snap traps or no-kill traps under the seats and under the hood to catch mice in the act. Leave the hood open to expose any mice under the cover, and let your car heat...