Pixart PAW3395 Sensor:Equipped with the Pixart 3395 sensor, this mouse offers a 26000 DPI resolution for precise aiming. Ergonomic Design:Lightweight at 39g, the ergonomic design ensures comfort during long gaming sessions. Extended Battery Life:Enjoy up to 80 hours of gameplay with a single cha...
NZXT 恩杰 电竞游戏有线鼠标 LIFT 2 MOUSE Symm PAW3395轻质便携 FPS鼠标LOL 白色 289元(需用券) 推荐人:小值机器人 标签: 鼠标 京东自营 鼠标优惠好货 京东该商品参加满300减50元优惠券的促销活动,当前到手价289.00元,降价前售价为339.00元,本次降幅15%,低于上次爆料价399.00元。喜欢的值友们... 阅读全...
Zaopin Z2 Mouse Paw3395 Wired Wireless Bluetooth Three Mode 4k Receiver Nordic 52840 Chip 65g Mouse Ergonomics Pc Gamer Mouse Product Name Zaopin Z2 size 123*64*39.5mm sensor Original phase PAW3395 optical sensor Main control chip Nordic 52840 Return rate 125-250-500-1000-2000-4000Hz ...
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**Optimized for Gaming Performance** The PAW3395DM-T6QU LM19-LSI PAW3395 3395 Mouse Sensor Optical Gaming Navigation Chip is engineered to deliver exceptional performance in gaming scenarios. Its optical sensor technology ensures that the mouse tracks accurately and swiftly, allowing for precise ...
黑爵aj159apex电竞游戏鼠标PAW3395无线三模轻量化带充电底座鼠标 Ajazz/黑爵品牌 7天包换 ¥85.0月销595个 深圳市龙华新区龙华杰之鑫电子商行11年 罗技GPRO WIRELESS无线鼠标狗屁王GPW X二代台式电竞游戏GPW三代 Logitech/罗技品牌 7天包换 ¥379.0月销158个 ...
这款stm32_paw3395鼠标项目,采用STM32F13C8T6高性能单片机作为核心,借助Paw3395光电传感器感知鼠标的移动。它遵循HID(Human Interface Device)协议,实现与电脑的高效无线通信。设计独特,使用尼龙材质的3D打印外壳,由立创三维猴提供,确保了产品的轻量化与机械强度。整体设计巧妙,兼具创新与实用性。本项目是一款基于stm32...
Ajazz AJ139pro Wireless 2.4+Wired Gaming Mouse PAW3395 for Laptop PC Optical, You can get more details about Ajazz AJ139pro Wireless 2.4+Wired Gaming Mouse PAW3395 for Laptop PC Optical from mobile site on Alibaba.com
新盟蝴蝶无线游戏鼠标2.4g蓝牙有线三模电竞PAW3395双电池轻量化 广州强威电子科技有限公司 7年 回头率: 36% 广东 广州市 ¥6.74 成交332652个 现货供应无线鼠标充电蓝牙双模静音办公便携滑鼠 可定制鼠标LOGO 深圳市安华汇实业有限公司 4年 回头率: 23.3% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥18.00 成交2822个 ...
Inside the alien-looking mouse, you'll find the PAW3395 sensor, which supports up to 26,000 DPI for the accurate tracking that gamers need. In addition to its 4,000 Hz polling rate, you also get to choose between wireless and wired connectivity modes. Related GravaStar Mercury M1 Pro ...