SteelSeries 《CS:GO》kana 镇楼 转自淫民星空 分享153赞 autohotkey吧 夕阳重重 试了Click、MouseClick、ControlClick,都无法实现点击鼠标左键^j:: ;快捷键Ctrl+j,激活下面的程序 count := 0 ;设置一个循环变量,赋初值0 CoordMode Mouse ;选择坐标系,以屏幕 分享101 东方神起吧 璐村惂鐢ㄦ埛_0071a4E馃惥 ...
1] Mouse Accuracy Mouse Accuracy is a free online mouse accuracy tester tool and it is easy to use. To test the accuracy of your mouse, first visit itsofficial website. Then click on theStartbutton and the game will start within three seconds. You have to click on the red dot and it...
@@ -243,31 +196,50 @@ private void buttonLog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) } else if (this.test_state == state.log) { double ts_min = 0.0; if (mlog1.Events.Count > 0) ts_min = mlog1.Events[0].ts; if (dual_state == dualstate.ready && mlog2.Events.Count > 0 && ...
(event,arg) bEnable=false---避免瞬间多按造成的互相干扰 bCycle=true--循环开关 count_Left=0--用于左键连击标记 count_Right=0--用于右键连击标记 count_Hammer=0--用于锤子连击标记 count_Explode=0--用于血猎驽执行标记 mytable={} Config_Read() co1=coroutine.create( function() repeat coroutine....
试了Click、MouseClick、ControlClick,都无法实现点击鼠标左键^j:: ;快捷键Ctrl+j,激活下面的程序 count := 0 ;设置一个循环变量,赋初值0 CoordMode Mouse ;选择坐标系,以屏幕 分享101 梦幻五开吧 loy356 梦幻多开神器,十开十五开的玩家必备, 电脑必装 微软无界鼠标Mouse without Borders,好用干货,谁用谁知...