- The animation will change direction from the current frame. Preview: Try it: https://bit.ly/3eXIkBN JavaScript / JS code: var root = this; root.main = function() { document.body.style.backgroundColor = lib.properties.color; stage.enableMouseOver(); root.button.mouseChildren = false; ...
If you overrideOnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs), always call the base implementation in yourOnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs)implementation. Failure to call the base implementation prevents base classes from handling the event with a class handler, which might change the run-time behavior of the final class. You...
Clicking a cell with the left mouse button always changes the current cell. In Silverlight, clicking with the right mouse button always opens the Silverlight Configuration shortcut menu. Expand table Mouse action Description Click an unselected row Makes the clicked row the current row. Click a ...
publiceventSystem.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler MouseDoubleClick; 事件類型 MouseButtonEventHandler 範例 下列範例示範如何將事件處理常式附加至MouseDoubleClick事件。 XAML <ButtonName="btn"Background="Red"MouseDoubleClick="ChangeBackground">Background</Button> ...
Controls various aspects of mouse motion and button clicking. This parameter can be certain combinations of the following values. ValueMeaning MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE 0x8000 Thedxanddyparameters contain normalized absolute coordinates. If not set, those parameters contain relative data: the change in position...
public final MouseButton getButton() Which, if any, of the mouse buttons is responsible for this event. Returns: mouse button whose state change caused this event getClickCount public final int getClickCount() Returns number of mouse clicks associated with this event. All MOUSE_MOVED events hav...
Change mouse sensitivity (DPI) settings If your mouse has DPI on-the-fly buttons, press one of the DPI On-the-fly buttons to create new settings for each DPI button. The mouse LCD will briefly display the new DPI setting. If your mouse doesn’t have DPI on-the-fly buttons...
Youdragthe pointer by pressing a mouse button while sliding the mouse. Pointer and Input Area Because you can have several windows open on the Workspace at once, the OpenWindows environment must track which window is currently active. You can choose between two methods of notifying the window ...
Click typeN/ALeft click, Right click, Double click, Middle click, Left button down, Left button up, Right button down, Right button upLeft clickThe mouse click to send to the image Wait for image to appearN/ABoolean valueTrueChoose whether you want the action to wait if the image isn...
This function synthesizes mouse motion and button clicks.SyntaxCopia VOID mouse_event( DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dx, DWORD dy, DWORD dwData, DWORD dwExtraInfo ); ParametersdwFlags [in] DWORD that specifies various aspects of mouse motion and button clicking. The following table shows possible values...