For those who don't know, an annular ring (circle of copper) is requiredto produce a plated-thru hole. The landings provide anchors for theplated barrel to adhere to. Without them the barrel may not formcorrectly, or may just fall out at a later time. Also, drill sizes are adjusted d...
small annular ring so that they can plate the holes. --- In, Bernd Wiebus <bernd.wie...@...> wrote: > > Hello. > > Sombody contacted me with a problem printing mounting holes at KiCAD. He > tries to make them as single round Pad with same drill di...
> Am still dabbling in KiCAD but with other tools I would put the drilled > hole on a layer dedicated to that purpose, a layer that does not print > on any of the copper layers. But a layer which is included when the > drill file is generated. Should also include your mounting h...
> smaller than the drill bit used so that it vanishes entirely when the > hole is drilled. Do that and you create a manual step for the board shop. Just asking to increase cost and defects. Am still dabbling in KiCAD but with other tools I would put the drilled hole on a layer de...
GND zone without isolation around the hole? If I put a pad the pad will be isolated from the GND zone; if I connect the pad to GND then I will have a CRC error and if I do not put a pad around the hole than I will have trouble ...