Mounting withmount.nfsresults in error 'No such device': Raw mount -vvv hostname:/share /mnt mount.nfs: timeout set for Tue Oct 14 11:46:54 2014 mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'vers=4,addr=,clientaddr=' mount.nfs: mount(2): No such device mount....
Use the following command to mount an NFS share on a client: # mount <nfs_server_ip_or_hostname>:/<exported_share> <mount point> For example, to mount the /nfs/projects share from the NFS server to /mnt, enter: # mount server.e...
Both NFS shares (NFS exports) were supposedly the same, at least I was told so. However only of of the two shares could be successfully mounted, the other failed with an error: root@ubuntu:~#mount -t nfs server1:/share1 /backup1 root@ubuntu:~#mount -t nfs server2:/share2...
Add an NFS mount to/etc/fstab. # device mountpoint fs-type options dump fsckorder ... usa-node01:/mapr /mapr_nfs/ nfs rw 0 0 ... Manually Mount Use this procedure tomanuallymount to NFS on a Linux client. Install the NFS client. sudo yum install nfs-utils(Red Hat or CentOS) ...
Automatic NFS share mounting upon system startup indicates that a mount command is automatically triggered to mount an NFS share to a point on a local client when the client is started. This reduces the workload of system administrators in large-scale clusters. Context There are multiple methods...
1) started the nfs server 2) shared a folder as told here 3) mounted it from linux 4) doing an ls -l tp that folder gives me ls: nfsshare: Input/output error Please respond here. ashisa2007年11月26日 Sorry, was away for thanksgiving holidays. ...
To export the share/USB to an ESX/ESXi host as an NFS share: Connect a USB drive to a Linux machine Ensure that the USB device is detected and mounted to that machine. For example, run this command to mount a USB device in Linux: ...
一、安装和配置NFS yum install nfs-utils rpcbind 第1步:为了检验NFS服务配置的效果,需要使用两台Linux主机(一台充当NFS服务器,一台充当NFS客户端),下表是它们所使用的操作系统以及IP地址。 两台Linux主机所使用的操作系统以及IP地址 第2步:在NFS服务器上建立用于NFS文件共享的目录,并设置足够的权限确保其他人也...
Mounting a share on a SUSE client using an IPv6 address fails and "mount.nfs: mount system call failed" is reported. [root@localhost ~]# mount -o vers=4.1,proto=rdma6,port=20049 [130:115::20:15]:/fs_rdma /mnt mount.nfs: mount system call failed Command output shows that rpcrdma...
今天遇到一个相当奇怪的问题,在windows 上mount LINUX NFS, powershell 脚本可以成功, 用图形界面也可以成功,但BATCH就是不行。提示53网络错误. 不过公司已经有人踩过这个坑了看起来:) 原文在此: