上周末我們又來苗栗走走,其中一站來到轉轉 ZON ZON 二店「Mountain town coffee roasters」。「轉轉 ZON ZON 」是間咖啡烘焙室,不時會舉辦咖啡免費杯測分享會,採預約制,而現在二店「Mountain town coffee roasters」則是有對外開放不需預約,營業時間都可以前來。整棟是老宅改建,空間中擺放著各式舊宅物件,一張張...
Visiting town? Need a break from the mountains? A trip to Vail Valley wouldn't be complete without dropping in to try our heart warming coffee, locally sourced delights in one of our scenic store or roastery locations. Our Cafes SUSTAINABLY SOURCED ...
Coffee from Telluride Coffee Roasters Telluride Coffee Roasters, the premiere coffee purveyor in Telluride that also has an online boutique:$70. Arena Hair Studio Arena Hair Studio: Sandra Arena, my gal in town (Norwood,) who knows how to make me beuuuuuutiful:$60. gift certificate for any ...
1910 山景篝火和屋顶平台酒店 - 市中心(1910 Mountain View, Fire Pit + Roof Deck, Downtown) Taco Bell1.46公里 Quijotes Mexican Grill1.63公里 McDonald's1.86公里 Patty Jewett Bar & Grill1.05公里 Golden Gyros1.2公里 New Panda 21.14公里 Switchback Coffee Roasters1.26公里 Finish Line Lounge1.13公里 Stel...
沃尔玛(Town Center Loop)374 米 Antique Antics1.35公里 Pioneer Supply1.78公里 La Boutique Threads Thru Time Tailoring4.33公里 Kmart Plaza4.9公里 Haywood's Historic Farmers Market3.2公里 Mast General Store3.5公里 Spenceberry Antiques3.69公里 Wicked Fresh Seafood Co. LLC3.48公里 ...
Rooftop Coffee Roasters629 米 Beanpod Gelato, Coffee and Chocolate479 米 Kodiak Lounge66 米 Himalayan Spice Bistro755 米 Boston Pizza745 米 Coal Town Goods574 米 Canadian Tire1.05公里 7-Eleven417 米 Freyja Lifestyle Fashion550 米 Rotary Park290 米 ...
1a Coffee Roasters3.76公里 Jezebel's Eatery4.39公里 Maple Leaf Malt & Brewing Co4.61公里 The Hermitage Inn4.02公里 Cup N Saucer Restaurant4.7公里 19 South Main Restaurant4.53公里 Folly4.33公里 Wilmington Village Pub4.58公里 Creemee Stand5.5公里 ...
Terbodore Coffee Roasters 不僅提供香濃的咖啡,還有舒適的環境讓您放鬆心情。68 on Main 是當地人推薦的熱點,提供創意料理和新鮮的食材。若您喜愛美酒,Abingdon Wine Estate 的葡萄酒搭配精緻的餐點將讓您陶醉不已。Apple Cafe 則以其獨特的甜點和輕食吸引著眾多食客。對於喜愛德國料理的您,Ba' Lonk...
此外,Brew Bakers Coffee and Pastry House 提供香濃的咖啡和新鮮出爐的糕點,是早晨提神的完美選擇。而對於追求健康飲食的客人,Briarpatch Organics and Restaurant 提供有機食材製成的美味佳餚,讓您在享受美食的同時也能保持健康。最後,Carl's Jr. 和 Caroline's Coffee Roasters 亦是您隨時可以進入的選擇,無論是...
Inc. The retailer had only been in business since 1994 but already operated the largest specialty coffee stores in the United States: its two locations in New York's World Trade Center served more than 7,500 customers a day. The Coffee Store operated 25 other locations in downtown areas in...