2008. Conser- ving Connectivity: some Lessons from Mountain Lions in Southern California. Conservation Biology 23 (2): 275-285.Morrison AS and Boyle WM (2009) Conserving connectivity: Some lessons from mountain lions in southern California. Conserv Biol 23:275-285....
Mountain lions in San Francisco? Well, they don’t really live here, but we have had about one a year wander through the city in the last three years. Here’s one that was caught on a security/trap camera last night close to Lake Merced, at the very southern end of the city. If ...
"Our research has shown that the mountain lions in the coastal Santa Ana Mountain Range are primarily put at risk by restriction of their movement across Interstate 15, and theirhigh mortality ratesfrom vehicle collisions and being killed after they have killed unprotected pets or livestock," said...
(California Department of Fish and Wildlife) The experts I spoke to stressed that, if you’ve hiked in Southern California, you’ve likely hiked past a mountain lion. But we rarely see them in part because there just aren’t that many lions in California. It is estimated that we have on...
Pumas (Puma concolor; also known as mountain lions and cougars) in southern California live among a burgeoning human population of roughly 20 million people. Yet little is known of the consequences of attendant habitat loss and fragmenta... HB Ernest,VT Winston,SA Morrison,... - 《Plos One...
In April, the state Fish and Game Commission placed Southern California and Central Coast mountain lions on temporary status as endangered for a year while it reviews whether to formally protect them. The area where the mountain lion carcass was found is only a few miles from the proposed site...
's possible to run into one, it's pretty unlikely. Typically, a small pet becomes breakfast or dinner when mountain lions attack. During the winter months, it's best to keep your pets inside at night. I could not find a record of a mountain lion ever fatally attacking a human in ...
Mountain lions walk carefully, like all cats. Their hind tracks often overlap the front ones, sometimes covering them up. In this pair, you can see the front track in the lower right. The hind track is the clearest one because it is on top. These are the right tracks. Although these ...
forest that is devoid of human beings and cars would be low stress and low danger. You'll identify the best corridors by performing a least-cost analysis, in which you'll determine which paths through the landscape have the lowest cost for the mountain lions, in terms of stress and danger...