A mountain lion was caught on camera prowling the streets of California`s Hollywood HillsANNEMARIE GREEN
They are very elusive but you will know they are there. They will mark their territory & it's a strong smell! Also if you actually get to see them in person, you will be one lucky guy. I've seen a mountain lion twice & I am honored to witness their majesty." You Won't Believe...
NJ Resident Claims to Have Seen Mountain Lion This Week NJ Resident Claims to Have Seen Mountain Lion This Week Imagine seeing a very large cat cross your path on a snowy morning. Joe KellyJoe Kelly10 days ago New Jersey Resident Captures Mountain Lion on Camera in Backyard New Jersey Reside...
Adult female mountain lion caught on motion-triggered camera Welcome Mark Elbroch Welcomes You to a Website on Mountain Lions, Animal Tracking and More Dr. Mark Elbroch is an ecologist, author, and storyteller, with dual interests in animal tracking and mountain lions. By profession, Mark is ...
READ MORE: Did a New Jersey man catch a mountain lion on camera? LOOK: The most popular dog breeds in America Using the American Kennel Club's 2023 rankings, released on April 9, 2024, Stacker compiled a ranking of the 100 most popular dog breeds in the U.S. Gallery Credit: Stacker ...
The homeowner told police there haven't been any additional sightings since the cat was caught on a surveillance camera. Police said mountain lions occasionally wander into urban environments and will return to their natural habitat on their own. If someone sees a mountain lion, it's best to...
Mountain Lion / Cougar ... versus a pack of hunting dogs? Who are you taking? Let's take a look at the action caught on camera in the Idaho wilderness! Wild Cougar Leaps and Runs From Idaho Hunting Dogs We can't believe how quick, strong, and agile this cougar is!
I frequently swap trail camera cards at night and had just returned from swapping cards just before midnight when I found this.Should I feel uneasy while in the woods?!This is the firstmountain lionI have seen on my trail cameras but I have seen lots of foxes, coyotes, and bobcats (alon...
A standoff between two juvenile mountain lions and five coyotes was caught on camera March 28, 2013, by an employee at the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, Wyo. The mountain lions sought safety on a buck and rail fence for more than an hour while the coyotes lurked nearby. The pack chase...
According to the News and Observer, a resident near Blackhawk, Colorado put a swing in a tree and a mountain lion decided that it was the perfect toy to bat around and play with as it was caught on camera. YouTube/Thaddeus Wells