Report any mountain lion sighting to Idaho Fish and Game. Their number is (208) 344-3700. You should also call the Boise Police Department, especially if your sighting or encounter is after business hours. (208) 570-6000. If you are attacked or witness an attack, call 9-1-1 immediately...
This year has seen a lot of news regardingmountain lionsin Texas. There have been changes to regulations and laws regarding mountain lions. There have also been several sightings of mountain lions in the Lone Star State. Recently, a terrifying encounter was captured on video. Mountain Lion Caugh...
My funniest mountain lion encounter occurred a couple years ago. I was on a lawn tractor, heading up a dirt road to mow some grass in a field. As I approached the curve, a mountain lion walked around it toward me. He saw me, stopped in his tracks, and did a double take. Then, ...
Residents who encounter mountain lions are encouraged to avoid running or turning their back. Instead, they should face the animal, make noise, try to look bigger by waving their arms, throw rocks or other objects and pick up small children. Dog owners should keep their dogs on a leash....
Kara Van Hoose, CPW's northeast region public information officer, told theLoveland Reporter-Heraldthat residents should do the following if they encounter the mountain lion: Stop and make yourself appear large. Announce yourself by talking loudly to the animal. ...
"Never had such a wild encounter like that," witness Claire Leenerts told CBS Los Angeles. "It was very scary." In a pun-filledFacebook post, the Irvine Police Department said their "claw-enforcement officers" were dispatched to the scene. ...
A personal narrative is presented which explores the author's experiences on an encounter with mountain lion in his residence in Lleyn Peninsula in 2009.EBSCO_AspFarmers Weekly
A Look At This Scary Idaho Mountain Lion Encounter This video is absolutely terrifying-- here is a closer look and you can watch the full video for yourself, BELOW: Here Kitty Kitty Credit: @JaredErickson1980 via Instaram Here Kitty Kitty ...
While it is unfortunate that a mountain lion lost its life as a result of the altercation, we are very thankful that this remarkable young lady was able to keep a cool head during the encounter. See the whole video below! Source: Youtube and Viral Hog...
Though Hoffman felt a “mixture of excitement and fear” during his mountain lion encounter, he said that he did not feel particularly threatened by the animal. Hoffman wanted to share this video, not only to remind people that mountain lions are out there and you can encounter one at any ...