Of most concern, is that Mountain Dew mouth has been likened by dental professionals to the level of oral health seen in a dental condition known as meth mouth because the rate in which the decay progresses in users of methamphetamine and the effect on dentition is very similar.1Denti...
This was the case with the recently coined "Mountain Dew Mouth." 机译:醒目的短语具有驱使媒体狂奔的能力。有时,该短语对于引起人们对重要问题的关注至关重要。在其他情况下,情况恰恰相反,而该短语仍然只是一个短语,即真正的问题正在丢失。最近创造的“山露嘴”就是这种情况。 著录项 来源 《CDS Review》...