Our delicious African dishes—ero, ogwono, egusi, koki, ekwang, moin-moin, crayfish, dodo, puff-puff, njama-njama, water–fufu, garri, and more have become anathema in the homes of some benighted bush-fallers in America and Europe, especially those who have gotten Western spouses. Hencefor...
through the Rocky Mountains, on I-70, had opened to passenger cars only, on the day she planned to leave. Still it took her three or four hours to make what is normally
America, too. In America, too, it may sometimes “require an act of courage for the government to rename a university science center after a native-born Nobel Prize-winning physicist who died two decades earlier.”When I read about Salam, it reminded me of anAmericanNobel Prize winner. Ther...
seen in the foregoing citation, the novelist ascribes human attributes to astral bodies. This same stylistic phenomenon is noticeable in this statement: “The sun tiptoed into the sky painting the town of Willow Brook with the soft hues of dawn.” (p.11) It is hard for the reader to not...
This is the view as you come into the town of Estes Park. There aren’t many more beautiful views anywhere in America. But, these distant views are much more inspiring than what we witnessed in the town. In my mind I always thought Colorado was populated by lovers of the outdoors, who...
Most of those someones bear the surname Phelps and all are members of a gay-hating cult that’s outraged America for their protests at the funerals of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The father of one such soldier has taken that gay-hating cult to court, accusing the ...
“Just doing the job you told America I would do as a ‘proactive’ Vice President. And after you sign those orders, I’d like to talk to you for a few hours about alternate energy, Global Warming and the Monarch butterflies.”
Street & The Financial Powerhouses controlling the flow of credit, it’s cost, and favortism to the Corporate Community & it’s lobbist grip & influence peddling with our policy making politicians in Washington, and their ever increasing manipulation & ownership of the media voice in Amer...
(8) This novel is a poignant depiction of the plight of the proletariat of the First World whose very survival depends on government bailouts, referred to as `food stamps' in the United States of America. "It is a tale that can make a family forget the absent father, always wandering ...
I cannot evade the ‘me too’ syndrome. That’s why I inject myself with botox! Look how cute I am. Fuck the haters! I can’t have enough of attention, That’s why my jalopy hollers, All over the place. Who cares anyway?