From the above output you can see that I have shared folders called “myshare” and “mydownloads” on my Windows XP machine as highlighted in bold letters. This means that I can mount these folders on my Linux machine. Mount the Windows Share Now the real thing. There are two ways to...
参数说明 :username, Window 系统登录用户名 ;password: Window 系统登录密码 ;// 设置Window共享目录的路径 ;/usr/local/bin/code: 挂载到 Linux 下的那个目录 挂载完成后我们就可以在/usr/local/bin/code目录里面看到 Windows 共享文件夹里面的文件 4. 查挂载在状态 # df -hFilesystem S...
A share created on a Windows-machine can be used on a Linux box by using the CIFS file system. CIFS (Common Internet File System) is a dialect of SMB (Server Message Block). First thing to do before we are able to use a CIFS-share on our Linux machine is to make sure that it u...
Linux使用mount挂载Windows共享文件夹 在linux下面创建一个需要挂载到的目录 我创建的目录是 /usr/local/bin/code ;利用 mount 命令进行挂载# mount -t cifs -o username=Bob,password=123456 // /usr/local/bin/code参数说明: username , Window 系统登录用户名 ;password : Window 系统...
chkconfig --level 345 rpcbind on ##启动rpcbind和nfs service rpcbind restart service nfs restart 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A设置共享目录,并重新加载 ##设置共享目录 mkdir -p /data/nfsshare ##编辑/etc/exports vim /etc/exports ##文件内容如下 ...
1.windows创建共享用户 usershare/pwdshare 这里账户密码不可以设置相同,设置相同虽然可以创建成功,但是mount执行会报错,具体可见第3节。 2.linux挂载 mount -t cifs // winshare/ -o username=usershare,password=pwdshare 3.问题 如果共享用户的账户密码相同,会有如下问题: mount -t cifs //...
Linux系统访问windows共享文件夹,可以通过mount命令实现。 语法如下: mount -t cifs -o username="访问共享文件的账号",password="访问共享文件的密码" window机器的共享文件ip地址和共享目录 linux的挂载点 1. 示例: mount -t cifs -o username="Lenovo",password="ABC123" // /mnt/sha...
在工程中遇到了Linux系统需要挂载Windows目录的需求,本文记录实现方法。... man mount.cifs) 此时可以尝试取消密码需求(改为无密码保护的共享),看看是否可以挂载成功改变本地策略: cmd输入gpedit.msc 进入本地计算机策略计算机配置=》Windows...设置=》安全设置=
If you want the NFS file share to automatically mount every time the Linux server or VM boots, create a record in the /etc/fstab file for your Azure file share. Replace YourStorageAccountName and FileShareName with your information.Bash Copiere <YourStorageAccountName>
.bat file to Run after the user's logon 'ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota' Recommendation 'object * contains other objects are you sure you want to delete * object?' When trying to delete retired servers in AD "Access is denied" message when trying to edit logon bat scripts in C:\Windows\SY...