Mount Wilson Observatory is a Los Angeles-area facility with several telescopes open to astronomers and the public. Located on a mountaintop at an altitude of more than 5,000 feet (1,524 meters), the observatory has been a useful location over the decades for measurements on stars, galaxies ...
(strom -loh sÿ -ding) Optical observatories that are owned and run by the Australian National University, Canberra, and located on Mount Stromlo near Canberra, altitude 770 meters, and on Siding Spring Mountain, altitude 1150 meters, in the Warrumbungle range, New South Wales. The main ...
The Mount Washington Cog Railway is a railway that brings visitors to the summit of New Hampshire’s Mt. Washington, New England’s highest peak. At the summit of Mt. Washington, visit the Observatory, the Tip-Top House, and take a photo with the popular altitude sign. Mount Washington Co...
Hale supervised the building of the telescopes at the Mount Wilson Observatory with grants from the Carnegie Institution of Washington: the 60-inch (1.5 m) telescope in 1908 and the 100-inch (2.5 m) telescope in 1917. 海爾在之前得到從華盛頓的卡內基協會贊助,監製了威爾遜山天文台的望遠鏡:在1908...
Before they blow, they typically shake, swell, warm up, and belch a variety of gases.Scientists from the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP)—part of the U.S. Geological Survey and based at the U.S. Geological Survey’s Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, Washington—are always...
According to Ghassan Taha, an atmospheric scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, data from the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Limb Profiler (LP) show that the volcanic plume reached an altitude of about 20 kilometers (12 miles) and into the stratosphere, the second layer...
As recommended by the committee formed by Nepal's government to facilitate and monitor mountaineering in the Everest region, Taranath Adhikari—the director general of Nepal's tourism department—said they have plans to move the base camp to a lower altitude. This would mean a longer distance ...
A few days later we met for coffee and hung out the rest of the day, agreeing to meet on Wednesday for a hike in the mountains south of Almaty up to the Big Almatynskoe Ozero, visit the Tien Shan Observatory, the Kosmostantsija (11,500 ft altitude), and descend into the Alma-Arasa...
Mount St. Helens is a volcanic mountain in the Cascade Range in Western North America, in the state of Washington. It is, perhaps, the most famous mountain in the range, and certainly is the most active volcano in the area today. In fact, it has probably been the most active of the ...
So maybe a fork mount with an equatorial wedge would be good. Is your garden at the bottom of the Empire State building? I just calculated that to have your view obstructed up to 75° altitude, if the "fence" of your garden is 20 feet away, the fence has to be 120 feet high!