When I try to mount an NFS filesystem, I get this error: mount: unknown filesystem type 'nfs' Here's the mount command I'm using on host2: mount host1.domain.com:/tmp /mnt On host1.domain.com, I have this in /etc/exports: /tmp host2.domain.com(ro,sync) I tried using all ...
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usbNTFS --不指定文件系统类型的情况下 mount: you must specify the filesystem type --提示:你必须指定文件系统类型 mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usbNTFS --没有提示则ok mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs' --提示:‘ntfs’文件系统类型未知,需要自行安装ntfs-3g(工具运行...
mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs' 需要通过第三方软件ntfs-3g软件来实现,能过yum在线安装: [root@sstisystem ~]# yum -y install ntfs-3g* 执行命令进行挂载: [root@sstisystem ~]# mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb4 /mnt/usb 3、挂载windows文件共享 标注:首先在windows下设置一个共享文件夹backup,建立...
开机出现 error:unknown filesystem;error:no such partition 解决办法 开机出现 error:unknown filesystem 前一天重新设了磁盘分区,第二天开机出现error:unknown filesystem。本人是安装了win10+linux,百度了一下可能是开机引导文件找不到了。 做法 grub rescue>set set命令查看当前grub引导指向哪个盘: 显示结果例如,...
Vagrant挂载目录失败mount: unknown filesystem type ‘vboxsf’ 一、背景 最近在玩Mac OS下的虚拟机,然后有朋友推荐了我Vagrant,但是在设置完跟宿主机共享目录然后启动虚拟机的时候,出现了vagrant mount: unknown filesystem...不过好在理智控制住了我,我就去网上查呀查,知道了原因是要先安装virtualbox guest...
Vagrant挂载目录失败mount: unknown filesystem type ‘vboxsf’ 错误提示: Vagrant was unable to mount VirtualBox shared folders...For context, the command attempted was: mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=1000 vagrant /vagrant The error...output from the command was: mount: unknown filesystem type...
stderr: mount: /mqdocker: unknown filesystem type '9p'.Full output of minikube start command used, if not already included:Optional: Full output of minikube logs command:👍 7 Collaborator afbjorklund commented May 19, 2020 I think the mount support depends on the kernel, and the Docker ...
Linux挂载ntfs失败出现mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'意思是无法识别NTFS格式的分区解决办法:通过ntfs-3g来解决下载软件包http://tuxera.com/opensource/ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-2014.2.15.tgztar xfntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-2014.2.15.tgzcdntfs-3g_n mount挂载NTFS失败 ...
Linux挂载ntfs失败出现mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'意思是无法识别NTFS格式的分区解决办法:通过ntfs-3g来解决下载软件包http://tuxera.com/opensource/ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-2014.2.15.tgztar xfntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-2014.2.15.tgzcdntfs-3g_n mount挂载NTFS失败 ...
I can't start the ubuntu root filesystem based on NFS, I can load my zImage imx6ullxx.dtb file via NFS which is reflected in the logs I provided, but for ubuntu root filesystem I can't get in, can you give me an explanation?