纽约西奈山医院(Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City) 纽约-长老会医院-哥伦比亚和康奈尔,纽约市(New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia and Cornell, New York City) 北岸大学医院诺斯威尔健康,曼哈塞特,纽约(North Shore University Hospital at Northwell Healt...
The latest updates in consumer health, patient stories, and research from Mount Sinai Health System and Icahn School of Medicine
1. 纽约市西奈山医疗中心 ... 48、UAB Hospital 阿拉巴马伯明翰分校医院——29亿美元 49、The Mount Sinai Medical Center 纽约市西奈山医疗中心——2…article.yeeyan.org|基于8个网页 例句 释义: 全部,纽约市西奈山医疗中心 更多例句筛选 1. The Mount Sinai Medical Center encompasses The Mount Sinai Hospital...
1. 西奈山医学中心 西奈山医学中心(Mount Sinai Medical Center)病理部主任科顿卡多(Carlos Cordon-Cardo)说:“这可能是纽约30年来所遇 … www.epochtimes.com|基于93个网页 2. 西奈山医疗中心 纽约健康保健|健康知识... ... 2、纽约大学医学中心 NYU Langone Medical Center 3、西奈山医疗中心Mount Sinai Me...
应杭州市妇产科医院(杭州市妇幼保健院)张治芬院长的邀请,美国纽约 Mount Sinai Medical Center林锦副教授近日来我院参观指导。 林教授主要从事围产新生儿学的临床和教学工作,同时还进行与他的专业相关的基础与临床科学研究。其研究课题先后得到美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH), 美国教育基金会和美国儿科协会 (American Academy...
Reports that the future of Chicago, Ill.-based Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Centers is being threatened by possible cutbacks in state Medicaid funding proposed in the Illinois Legislature. Measures taken to improve chances for survival and continuation of community service activities; Shortage of ...
核心提示:世界医疗网讯 纽约当地时间11月20日下午,世界医疗网一行在西奈山医院朱教授陪同下进行参观考察。世界医疗网此次受邀参观考察西奈山医院,拟与西奈山医院共同搭建国际医疗旅游新平台。 世界医疗网讯纽约当地时间11月20日下午,世界医疗网一行在西奈山医院朱教授陪同下进行参观考察。世界医疗网此次受邀参观考察西奈山...
Cardiologists and cancer experts at The Mount Sinai Hospital have joined forces to establish its first Cardio-Oncology Clinic at The Tisch Cancer Institute at The Mount Sinai Hospital. The Cardio-Oncology Clinic, located at the Leon and Norma Hess Center for Science and Medicine, is one of the...
by The Mount Sinai Hospital David H. Adams, MD, Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at The Mount Sinai Medical Center, has performed the first implantation of the Medtronic Tri-Ad Semi-Flexible Tricuspid Annuloplasty Ring in the Uni...