the install halts at this point and give the Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type “volume”: invalid mount path:mount path must be absolute I have no idea how to get the absolute path, I did assign a drive letter to the actually driv...
and when launching docker-compose up, I'm getting the following: [+] Running 0/1 - Container a19fccf13764_telebot Recreate 0.2s Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "bind": invalid mount path: 'c:/lang/stegotext/telebot/telebot.token' mount path must be absolute ...
ERROR: for identityserver Cannot create container for service identityserver: invalid volume specification: '17fa9043120077131e36ea4de1c4a5232b571dd70b5584e9823794ad7a379de5:[“/app”]:rw': invalid mount config for type "volume": invalid mount path: '[“/app”]' mount path must be absolute ...
docker-compose.ymlVolumesvolumes: postgresql_data: driver_opts: type: "nfs" o: "addr=,nfsvers=4" device: ":/postgresql_data"Docker Swarm - Volume CIFS - Secrets mathdavy86 (Mathdavy86) October 14, 2023, 10:18am 2 docker volume inspect ### docker volume inspect root@xxx...
Docker Compose中的Volumes和Mounts:深入解析与实践 Docker Compose是一个用于定义和运行多容器Docker应用程序的工具。它使用YAML文件来配置应用程序的服务,网络和卷。在这篇文章中,我们将深入探讨Docker Compose中的Volumes和Mounts的概念、使用场景以及如何通过示例代码进行配置。
Docker Compose 是一个用于定义和运行复杂 Docker 应用程序的工具。在使用 Docker Compose 时,我们经常需要将本地文件挂载到容器中,以便容器可以访问这些文件。这就涉及到了 Docker Compose 中的 mount 文件功能。 什么是 Docker Compose mount 文件 在Docker Compose 中,mount 文件用于指定容器中挂载的本地文件或目录...
Top-levelvolumeskey always declares volumes, never bind mounts. Bind mounts don't have a name and they can't be named. A path SOURCE - eg./some/content:/usr/share/nginx/htmlor./public:/usr/share/nginx/html If source is a path, absolute or relative, Docker Compose will bind mount the...
caused: not a directory: unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type 出现这个问题是在编写yml文件的文件夹映射时,不应该写到具体文件,应该映射到目录。
按照官方文档进行安装,使用docker-compose.yml.aliyun构建(docker-compose build)完成后,docker-compose up -d启动容器时报错,具体报错信息如下: [root@a8b7470f705a yii2_fecshop_docker]# docker-compose up -d Creating yii2_fecshop_docker_redis_1 ... error ...
In the latest Docker Engine update, Moby 26, packaged in Docker Desktop 4.29, introduces several enhancements aimed at enriching the developer experience. Here’s the breakdown of what’s new: Volume subpath mounts: Responding to widespread user requests, we’ve made it possible to mount a ...