1. 解释错误信息 "mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host' format" 的含义 这个错误信息表示NFS(网络文件系统)的挂载命令格式不正确,特别是远程共享资源的指定部分没有遵循 host:dir 的格式。这里的 host 指的是NFS服务器的IP地址或域名,而 dir 是该服务器上需要被挂载的目录路径。 2. 指出导致该错误的常见...
mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format umount: /tmp/tmp.7aXngP8vHa: not mounted. It tries to mount the target (/veeam) as a source for the tmp-mount. This doesn't work, hence the error. After changing the configuration of the backup (to a shared folder) in the configur...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format问答内容。更多mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format相关解答可以
格式错了,应该是 主机名:目录格式。大概应该是下面这样 mount -t nfs /home/idi/outgoing -o username=root,password=1qaz2wsx 如果192.168. 67.24不是windows 机器的话前面不用加//
Mount SMB file share on Linux Mount NFS file share on Linux Mount SMB file share on macOS Data transfer and migration Authentication and authorization Security and networking Data protection Availability and disaster recovery Performance, scale, and cost ...
Mount SMB file share on Linux Mount NFS file share on Linux Mount SMB file share on macOS Data transfer and migration Authentication and authorization Security and networking Data protection Availability and disaster recovery Performance, scale, and cost ...
For NFS, there are three types of mount requests. duplicate mount If the node, object, mount point, and the options that are specified in themountcommand are the same as those for an existing mount, themountcommand returns information about a successful mount, but a new mount is not create...
在系统需要挂上大量 NFS 档案系统时可以加快挂上的动作。 -f:通常用在除错的用途。它会使 mount 并不执行实际挂上的动作,而是模拟整个挂上的过程。通常会和 -v 一起使用。 -n:一般而言,mount 在挂上后会在 /etc/mtab 中写入一笔资料。但在系统中没有可写入档案系统存在的情况下可以用这个选项取消这个动作...
For NFS, there are three types of mount requests. duplicate mount If the node, object, mount point, and the options that are specified in themountcommand are the same as those for an existing mount, themountcommand returns information about a successful mount, but a new mount is not create...
Install high-availability SAP NetWeaver on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server with simple mount and NFS for SAP applications.