Windows 8 has a ton of great new features, but one my top 5 has to be the ability (and finally) to mount an ISO file to extract or install from.You can do this in two ways.1. Select the ISO file. From the ‘Actions’ tab in the Ribbon, select the ‘Mount’ button.2. Or…...
7、挂载光盘镜像ISO、CUE/BIN、CCD 、BWT、MDS/MDF 、NRG 、IMG、ISZ 为虚拟DVD-ROM; 8、挂载音频格式APE、FLAC、WV为虚拟CD-ROM ;9、挂载虚拟机硬盘镜像VHD(Virtual PC)、VDI(Virtual Box)、VMDK(VMWare)为虚拟硬盘,并提供只读和可写两种打开方式; ...
注:执行上面的任何一条命令都可将当前光驱里的光盘制作成光盘镜像文件/home/sunky/mydisk.iso 2、将文件和目录制作成光盘镜像文件,执行下面的命令。 #mkisofs -r -J -V mydisk -o /home/sunky/mydisk.iso /home/sunky/ mydir 注:这条命令将/home/sunky/mydir目录下所有的目录和文件制作成光盘镜像文件/ho...
WinMount是一个 Windows 工具,可以把 ZIP、RAR等压缩文件mount 为一个虚拟盘符,这样你就可以直接使用里面的文件了,不需要展开。节省时间,节省空间。 WinMoun t还支持多种光盘映像格式,包括mou、ISO、 cue/bin、ccd (CloneCD)、bwt (Blindwrite)、mds(Media Descriptor File)、cdi (Discjuggler)、nrg (Nero)、pdi...
On Windows Server® 2012, only an administrator is allowed to mount or eject an ISO file.To create and mount a VHD on a computer running Hyper-V, use the New-VHD and Mount-VHD cmdlets in the Hyper-V module (which is included in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 but not enabled by...
WinMount是一个 Windows 工具,可以把 ZIP、RAR等压缩文件mount 为一个虚拟盘符,这样你就可以直接使用里面的文件了,不需要展开。节省时间,节省空间。 WinMoun t还支持多种光盘映像格式,包括mou、ISO、 cue/bin、ccd (CloneCD)、bwt (Blindwrite)、mds(Media Descriptor File)、cdi (Discjuggler)、nrg (nero)、pdi...
WinMount是一个 Windows 工具,可以把 ZIP、RAR等压缩文件mount 为一个虚拟盘符,这样你就可以直接使用里面的文件了,不需要展开。节省时间,节省空间。 WinMoun t还支持多种光盘映像格式,包括mou、ISO、 cue/bin、ccd (CloneCD)、bwt (Blindwrite)、mds(Media Descriptor File)、cdi (Discjuggler)、nrg (Nero)...
On Windows Server® 2012, only an administrator is allowed to mount or eject an ISO file.To create and mount a VHD on a computer running Hyper-V, use the New-VHD and Mount-VHD cmdlets in the Hyper-V module (which is included in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 but not enabled by...
You can access and mount the contents of an ISO image in several ways. In this guide, you'll learn to mount ISO images on Windows 10. A reliable file recovery tool is provided to help you restore ISO files if necessary.