在淘宝,您不仅能发现凯珊陈年朗姆酒 XO级别 Barbados Mount Gay Extra Old Rum的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于凯珊陈年朗姆酒 XO级别 Barbados Mount Gay Extra Old Rum的信息,请来淘宝深入了解
Explore three centuries of Mount Gay Rum’s history, craft, and sailing heritage. From rum’s beginnings in 1703 Barbados, a detail of island ingredients, to contemporary cocktails recommended for each blend.
编号:190428 产地: 规格:1L $ 38.00 朗姆酒Mount Gay Extra Old Rum 联系电话:65324633 传真:65321009 E-mail:
The new presentation of the Mount Gay Extra Old Cask Reserve Rum is in keeping with the Eclipse (Mount Gay’s entry level offerings). The bottle is slightly shorter and rounder. It also has a very nice cork stopper. Like the Eclipse the MGXO has Mount Gay Distilleries etched into the gl...
Mount Gay XO Cask Stength Limited Edition Rum –Review No Responses » Sep 022018 Back in early 2018, when I wrote about the Mount Gay Black Barrel rum, Ivar de Laat, one of the rum chums in Toronto, grumbled “I wish Mount Gay would be a little bolder. I find it all too frien...
plus de vingt ans, Allen Smith, Maître Assembleur de Mount Gay, supervise l'assemblage et le vieillissement de nos rhums. Allen Smith a rejoint la distillerie Mount Gay en 1991 et participa sous les ordres du Maître Assembleur J. Edwards, à l'assemblage de Mount Gay Extra Old. ...
The Mount Gay Visitor Centre you will discover the history of Mount Gay on a Tasting Experience. The Tasting will kick off with complimentary rum punch which you can enjoy while your Brand Host takes you through the Legacy Museum. Experience a fascinating glimpse into the illu...
Off we were to Mount Gay Visitors Centre to try their very popular and raved cocktail tour. First off the bat we were hit with a sample of the Mount Gay rum punch, which offered a little (actually not so little) kick to the initial start for the tour. Our enthusiastic tour guide sho...
While there are multiple rum tours on the island,Mount Gay Rum’swarm and welcoming tour, excellent rums and legacy—it is the oldest licensed commercial rum distillery in the world—make it a must-do tour. They actually have the license from 1703 in a case. That makes this a good spot...
Mount Gay是世界上最古老的连续运营的商业朗姆酒生产商,其原始种植园的销售契约可以追溯到1703年2月20日。Mount Gay的团队并不知足还表示,生产活动可能在更早的时候就开始了,他们最近发现了一份1654年的契约,这可能会继续追溯向前。如今,巴巴多斯朗姆酒中Mount Gay生产的占出口的大部分。Old Brigand是另一个在当地很...