@@ -83,11 +83,12 @@ All generated code will be stored in the folder `workspace` inside the folder na ## 🐳 How to start gpt-pilot in docker? 1. `git clone https://github.com/Pythagora-io/gpt-pilot.git` (clone the repo) 2. Update the `docker-compose.yml` environment variables...
Running Docker Desktop 4.34.2 with Kubernetes v1.30.2 enabled under WIndows 11. I’m struggling to specify the correct path for a local folder on Windows (c:\foo) to be accessible/mounted to a container managed by K8S. F…
I have a windows server 2019 and try to run a docker windows container. I try to mount a volume like this: docker run -it -v d:\test\:d:\test\ mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/sdk:4.8 cmd.exe It should mount the local folder d:\test in the container under the ...
I have one query for my use case where I need to use code repositories that are outside the docker container (I have already bind them while docker run command) and I can access the folder via exec but I need to access these scripts in the executestreamcommand processor's working ...
keith-gambleopened this issueMay 13, 2022· 4 comments· Fixed bydocker/compose#9514 keith-gamblecommentedMay 13, 2022 I primarily do my development in networks setup by compose files, where I map a specific local folder into a specific folder on my container. I have noticed recently that I...
I followed this article https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-instances/container-instances-volume-azure-files to mount storage account to docker container path to persist postgres data but after stopping and starting , data is gone. could…
If source is a path, absolute or relative, Docker Compose will bind mount the folder into the container. Relative paths starting with.or..are relative to the location ofdocker-compose.yml. Bind mounts are discouraged for database containers since that makes them less portable. Bind mounts are...
Description:When you use MySql in a container you need to mount the Data folder, so the databases can be used either in the container, or directly on the host machine. This fails on Docker for Windows, with the error: [ERROR] [MY-012271] [InnoDB] The innodb_system data file 'ibdata...
To automatically mount a file share, you have a choice between using a static mount via the/etc/fstabutility or using a dynamic mount via theautofsutility. Static mount with /etc/fstab Using the earlier environment, create a folder for your storage account/file share under your mount folder....
In this example volumes section, you create an empty volume called empty, which the Docker daemon manages. There's also a host volume defined that's called host_etc. It exports the /etc folder on the host container instance. { "family": "test-volumes-from", "volumes": [ { "name": ...