Your level 40 mount as a Warlock is free, and your level 60 mount comes at a steep discount. These mounts are also summoned via spells, which saves you a bag slot! Your first mount is acquired via a simple quest from your class trainer. Later on you’ll need at least 418 gold and...
Master riding skill (375) costs 5,000 for training, reduced by the appropriate reputation discount. Introduced with Patch 4.0.1, no mounts require it, but it increases the air speed of all flying mounts to +310%. However, any characters that already had a 310% speed flying mount pre-4.0...
cheese, mega meaty, steel city special & fresh veggie. I had called a couple of days prior to our arrival to see if they delivered, When I told them I would need multiple pizza's & it would be for a military group, they informed me that they give a discount for...
I'm planning on using the ZWO carbon fiber tripod although if that is not sable enough Ill try to use the EQ-G tripod I already have. High Point had a discount on the AM5 were the tripod and mount were the same price and just the mount, so it was an easy choice. A pier extensi...
How is getting a discount on your game time plus a free mount not getting the best for your money? Originally Posted by Beefhammer This is no different that any store having a big sale when inventory is high or and old product line is being replaced and old inventory has to go. E...
and I suggest that perhaps the ageing barrel was not very active; note also that since I was simultaneously sampling a relatively younger European-aged cask-strength Bajan that was very good, we can possibly discount the ageing location of the barrel as a factor in this disparity of quality ...
B & H and others (I think) have an education discount with those that have a legit educational email or are students. Teachers and students qualify. Or if you have a good friend that is taking classes or is a teacher! Reply Reply with quote Reply to thread Complain MikeInOr • Seni...