尝试以管理员权限重新挂载APFS卷: 使用sudo命令来执行挂载操作。例如,如果你的APFS卷标识符是/dev/diskXsY(其中X和Y是具体的磁盘和分区号),你可以尝试: bash sudo diskutil mount /dev/diskXsY 如果这个命令失败,请查看错误输出以获取更多信息。 检查磁盘和文件系统的完整性: 如果怀疑磁盘或文件系统有损坏,你...
最近在使用mount -a挂载命令时,出现错误: mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: Operation not permitted mount: / failed with 77,加上sudo也是同样的错误,通过查找资料,是因为mac系统对于系统根目录的写操作权限有限制,然后尝试在根目录创建data目录,随之提示:mkdir: data: Read-only file system。 系统版...
报错mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: Operation not permitted mount: / fail mkdir /data 结果发现居然提示我Read-Only filesystem,即使加上了sudo也没用 看看你的mac 的系统版本,如果是[Cataline] 也就是11之前的,使用 方法1: 在我查阅相关资料后找到了解决办法(关闭SIP,然后输入sudo mount -uw /...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: Permission denied mount: / failed w的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: Permission denied mount: / failed w问答内容。更多mount
mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: Permission denied mount: / failed with 66 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 解决方法 尤其是MacOS升级到Mac Big Sur(11.01)版本后,关闭SIP重新挂载根分区也是行不通的。 解决方案示例: # 创建可用目录(不在根目录下),如 ...
mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: Permission denied mount: / failed with 66 注:在 macOS Catalina 及之前版本中,可以通过关闭 SIP 并在终端中更改 system 文件夹为可写入。但是,这一后门在2020年6月发布的 Big Sur 中被关闭了。 第二种解决方法:(对Mac M1,创建可读写的目录只能在根目录下建立,...
Unable to mount APFS container on partitioned external drive I have a 2TB external SSD that I partitioned in two APFS containers. One is for Time Machine backups, the other is for all kinds of data. Up till now, when I plugged the SSD onto my MacBook, both partitions would be moun...
所以问题是,APFS格式的磁盘应该如何挂载? 然后我试着把磁盘名称改一下,把disk4s改成disk4,就出现以下: sudo diskutil mount /dev/disk4 Volume on disk4 failed to mount; if it has a partitioning scheme, use "diskutil mountDisk" If the volume is damaged, try the "readOnly" option ...
macdeMac-mini:~$ mount /dev/disk1s5s1 on /(apfs, sealed, local, read-only, journaled)macde...
mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: Permission denied mount: / failed with 66 方案一: 在根目录下创建目录:applogs 先建好真实目录地址:/usr/local/applogs 然后编辑/etc/synthetic.conf文件:sudo vi /etc/synthetic.conf 写入软连接关系:applogs /usr/local/applogs 这里操作的applogs是个目录最后...