Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord’s Town Loyalty and Security sound like daunting concepts, especially if this is the first settlement you get to control. They don’t work in a vacuum and, while the surrounding world will eventually threaten them, you have a couple of avenues to make sure that...
These are the following kingdom policies that increase your influence gains (per day) inMount & Blade II: Bannerlord: Council of the Commons – +1 influence and +1 militia production per notable in a settlement (owner’s clan); extremely powerful since this counts all the unique NPCs in a...
在非steam创意工坊下载过旧版本的,需要手动删除旧版本,Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\EverYoung...
Bannerlord Mods mount-and-bladebannerlordbannerlord-mod UpdatedJun 29, 2024 C# Aggregates multiple forms of income on nearly every "Expected Change" tooltip (Denars, Influence, Militia, Food Stocks, Loyalty, Security, Prosperity, Settlement Tax) with easy support for translation into other languages...
For towns, (loyalty/100) * prosperity = "votes" for the owner clan. For villages, the "votes" are the hearths split between the notables, and the owner is awarded the votes from notables they have positive relations with. The remaining votes are split between all other clans evenly. ...
If cities are about to rebel lords will be more willing to vote for loyalty policies. Currently adds one new policy: Foreign Citizenship. Increases loyalty in settlements with a different culture than the kingdom and decreases it in settlements with the same culture as the kingdom. Settlement ...
If you are unsure of how to start your journey then we have prepared this Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord Character Builder guide to help out
inMount & Blade II: Bannerlord, you’ll be able to convince lords to join your cause. The only exceptions are the faction leaders themselves. You can open the topic of discussion by speaking to a head of a clan, telling them that their faction’s ruler is not worthy of their loyalty....
The setting of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is one of turmoil, with the Emperor murdered and the Calradic Empire heading towards civil war. It should come as no surprise that such times of change provide opportunities to actors that would otherwise have stayed in the shadows. They may just...
The loyalty and security of a settlement is affected by a number of things, such as if there is a culture mismatch between the settlement owner and its inhabitants, whether the town was recently captured, the strength of the garrison, kingdom policies, governor skills, and so on...