-a,--all mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab-c,--no-canonicalize don't canonicalize paths-f,--fake dry run; skip the mount(2) syscall-F,--fork fork off for each device (use with -a)-T,--fstab <path> alternative file to /etc/fstab-h,--help display this help text and exi...
-i, --internal-only don't call the mount.<type> helpers -l, --show-labels lists all mounts with LABELs -n, --no-mtab don't write to /etc/mtab -o, --options <list> comma-separated list of mount options -O, --test-opts <list> limit the set of filesystems (use with -a) ...
point-v,--verbose say what is being done-V,--version display version information and exit-w,--rw,--read-write mount the filesystem read-write(default)-h,--help displaythishelp and exit-V,--version output version information and exitSource:-L,--label<label>synonymforLABEL=<label>-U,--...
Mount a filesystem. Options: -a, --all mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab -c, --no-canonicalize don't canonicalize paths -f, --fake dry run; skip the mount(2) syscall -F, --fork fork off for each device (use with -a) -T, --fstab <path> alternative file to /etc/fstab...
mount — Display information about mounted filesystems, or mount a filesystem Synopsis mount[-f] [-oMOUNT_OPTION,... ]WIN32PATHPOSIXPATH mount-a mountPOSIXPATH mount[-m] mount-cPOSIXPATH| -p mount-h | -V Options -a, --all mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab -c, --change-cygd...
-a, --all mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab -c, --no-canonicalize don't canonicalize paths -f, --fake dry run; skip the mount(2) syscall -F, --fork fork off for each device (use with -a) -T, --fstab <path> alternative file to /etc/fstab ...
修改过/etc/fstab后mount -a 即可生效 -a, --all Mount all filesystems (of the given types) mentioned in fstab. 二)查找iostat与df -h,挂载磁盘dm-0的对应关系。 cd /dev/mapper/ ll ddf1_4c5349202020202010000055000000004711471100001450p1 -> ../dm-1 ...
I think mount -a will only try to mount filesystems that are not already mounted. -a, --all Mount all filesystems (of the given types) mentioned in fstab. [...] remount Attempt to remount an already-mounted filesystem. This is ...
causes all filesystems mentioned in fstab (of the proper type and/or having or not having the proper options) to be mounted as indicated, except for those whose line contains the noauto keyword. This command is often included in a boot script. Adding the -F option makes mount fork, so...
3. Mount all the filesystem mentioned in /etc/fstab The filesystems listed in /etc/fstab gets mounted during booting process. After booting, system administrator may unmount some of the partitions for various reasons. If you want all the filesystems to be mounted as specified in /etc/fstab...