A mound is a heap or a pile of material or objects. You can make a mound of clothes by dumping your laundry onto your bed.
meaning "a hedgehog," and cereus meaning "a wax taper." These names refer to the plant's spiny resemblance to a hedgehog (or so the early Europeans thought) and the plant's shape, respectively. Triglochidialus means "three barbed bristles" and refers to the straight spines arranged ...
In Central Asia, burial mounds often go by the Turkish name, “kurgan.” The word derives from the prefix “kur,” meaning “to establish.” One of the highest peaks east of the Taurus Mountains, in southeastern Turkey, is thought to be a royal tomb from around 100 BCE. Rujm or rogem...
Uh, I don't know, maybe Death/Black metal with a straight message of misanthropy and hate towards common systems and moral values. I can't get it any better. Actually, it is better to leave it to the listener to describe us as it is one of the best things in music to hear differe...
Twenty years later Nityananda was asked about this incident. he played down the connection between the tobacco leaf and Alva’s death, saying that the man had misused his considerable mantric powers to bring suffering to the poor and misery to the weak. He said that divine forces had stopped...
death, memory, and immortality. The poem reveals the speaker's desire to be remembered after death, and the fear that his memory will fade away with the passage of time. In this essay, we will delve deeper into the meaning of this poem and analyze its literary devices, themes, and ...
(TPQ) dates as a form of sensitivity analysis using the After function. This acknowledges the possibility that the14C date on a disarticulated bone might represent the animal’s time of death that predates its deposition within archaeological deposits. This was done for dates from bone samples ...
By that, he meant that much of the challenge at Blue Mound is found at its green complexes. In the case of the sixth, back hole locations are particularly difficult because the back shelf is none too big and death is over. Linhart goes on to add ‘That’s why Blue Mound never gets...
U.S. Death Toll During Major Events 26 Decade-Defining Events in U.S. History Discover Which Waters Do You Pass Through When You “Sail the Seven Seas”? Who Votes for the Academy Awards? 9 of the World’s Deadliest Spiders Nostradamus and His Prophecies ...