The M2 is a 2-in/2-out USB-C audio interface for Mac, Windows and iOS that offers best-in-class audio quality, best-in-class speed (ultra-low latency) and best-in-class metering with a full-color LCD.
The MOTU M2 is a truly versatile interface. Due to its low latency and excellent sound, it is extremely well-suited for vocal recordings at home or on the go. But the M2 is also a reliable partner in live situations, for playing backing tracks and software instruments, or looping an inst...
联系我们 品牌 乐投科技 接口 PCI 输入输出接口 电话应答设备输入 音效支持 SpeakerSurround3D 可售卖地 全国 型号 BH666 温馨提示:支持网店下单-扫码付款-对公打款-可开增值税专票 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格...
PRODUCTION SOFTWARE The M2 includes MOTU Performer® Lite and Ableton Live® Lite for Mac and PC so you can start making music right away. VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTS In Performer Lite, you get 100+ instruments, including pianos, organs, synths, guitars, bass, drums, strings, brass, and more. ...
系统上m2的名字 系统和媒体的MME驱动设备,识别为Out 1-2(MOTU M Series) DAW里的马头m2输出通道 事实上无论是系统的MME驱动,还是直连DAW的ASIO驱动,马头m2都只有一对立体声输出。 输入部分,虽然物理输入只有一对立体声输入,但是在系统面板上可以看到三对。
至于耳放部分,性能稍显不足: 总体来看,其整体表现似乎比Focusrite的2i2略胜一筹(当然价格也有近一倍的差距)。在话放方面,2i2表现更佳,但在其他方面,这款设备均不及m2。 这款设备对于预算极为有限的人来说,可以作为入门选择,但离“优质”水平仍有较大的提升空间。
DC coupled outputs. The M2 and M4 are no exception. The only other entry-level audio interface I've tested with this ability is the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 MkII which offers +/-2V. I measured the output of the M2 and M4 as +/- 3.6V, giving a very usable range of 7.2...
不知道有多少人曾想过,能有一块接口不多,ADDA优秀的廉价音频接口,来供个人音乐工作者使用,以往有apogee的duet,可四千多的价格劝退了不少人。Apollo的arrow声卡三千出头即可拿到,但却因为雷电接口和windows下糟糕的稳定性,硬生生阻断了自己的大卖之路,ID14的价格在两千不到,却又可惜是因为话放闻名。 凌枫 小吧主 ...
关注 企业购更优惠 怡同科技马头MOTU M2 M4 M6声卡音频作编曲直播K歌乐器有声书配录音设备 M2 官方标配 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择规格 M2 官方标配 M4 官方标配 M6 官方标配 更多商品信息 上翻下翻 ...