According to the Mott-Schottky effect, loading of Pd NCs on N-doped carbon constructed a rectifying contact and decreased the electron density of Pd NCs. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggested that the high concentration of holes doped in Pd NCs weakened the interaction of alkenes...
Activating Cobalt Nanoparticles via the Mott−Schottky Effect in Nitrogen-Rich Carbon Shells for Base-Free Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols to Esters J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2017,139, 811−818, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b10710 导师简介 李新昊 特别研究员 李新昊博士,2009年于吉林大学获得博士学位,2009年-2012...
Mott‐Schottky effectspontaneous oxidationEnhancing the catalytic activity of electrocatalyst in lithium sulfur electrochemistry by a facile method is important and challenging. In article number 1902092, Guoxin Gao, Shujiang Ding, and co﹚orkers propose a spontaneous oxidation strategy to build Mott㏒...
Mott-schottky 1、Mott-schottky测试 测试技术采用Impedance-Potential,如图所示: 接着设置参数: 我的理解是,Mott-schottky属于固定频率测试阻抗随电位的变化关系。 yaya2566虫友( liaofan33虫友( ...
tuning the adsorption energy of methanol molecules along ni-n-doped carbon phase boundaries via the mott-schottky effect for highly efficient dehyd 热度: 专题四:Mott绝缘体(12.3.2) 热度: Mott–Schottky莫特肖特基专题 【专题】Mott-Schottky测试及数据处理 ...
XPS and Mott-Schottky analysis reveal that the Mott-Schottky effect facilitates the spontaneous electron transfer from the Ni/Fe cations to the Ag NPs, promoting the formation of active high-valence species. In-situ Raman analysis further evidences that the Ag decoration induces the formation of ...
Mott-Schottky analysis is adapted to determine the built-in bias (Vbi) and doping density (N) of lead sulfide-zinc oxide colloidal quantum dot heterojunction solar cells. We show that charge injection barriers at the solar cell's electrodes create a constant capacitance that distorts the junction...
Mott-Schottky analyses on - and p-GaAs/room temperature chloroaluminate molten-salt interfaces. Electrochim ActaTheoretical or Mathematical, Experimental/ energy gapgallium arsenideIII-V semiconductorsSchottky effectsemiconductor-electrolyte boundaries/ n-GaAsGaAs electrodes...
Due to the large work function of Bi, a Schottky barrier formed at the Bi/Bi 4 NbO 8 Cl interface, promoting photo-induced charge separation generated in the Bi 4 NbO 8 Cl semiconductor, supplying more holes for the organic compounds decomposition, which could be widely applied in water ...
The junctions formed at the contact between metallic electrodes and semiconductor materials are crucial components of electronic and optoelectronic devices 1 . Metal–semiconductor junctions are characterized by an energy barrier known as the Schottky ba