原装摩托罗拉xir P3688数字无线电对讲机适用DP1400 DEP450 CP200 泉州市丰泽区启达通讯设备商行 1年 回头率: 12.5% 福建 泉州市 ¥8.00 背夹RLN5644 适用摩托罗拉对讲机CP200 CP200d CP200XLS GP3188 泉州市益派电子科技有限公司 3年 回头率: 8.2% 福建 南安市 ¥1700.00 适用摩托罗拉CP200d...
Programming software allows adjustable power output for varying coverage Adjustable power levels Yes Repeater capable Yes Physical Characteristics Keypad None Dimensions H x W x D (with standard battery) 5 x 2.4 x 1.75 in. Weight (with standard battery) ...
ProgrammingStandPMLN4510_xxxxx MTP700CustomerProgrammingSoftware(CPS)FVN5051_xxxxx AudioSurveillanceKitNumberP1P2P3P4P5 RxOnlyEarpiece-BlackRMN4028_xxxx RxOnlyEarpiece-BeigeRMN4021_xxxx RxOnlyEarpiece-withtransparenttubeforRSMRLN4941_xxxx EarpiecewithmicandPTTcombined,beige,2wireRMN4022_xxxxx Earpiecewithmican...
CP150 CP200 CP200XLS CP200D PR400 CP185 CP110 CT150 CT250 CT450 GP300 P1225 SP50 BPR40 CLS1110 CLS1410 CLS1413 CLS1450 GP300 GP308 GP68 GP88 GP88S GP2000 GP2100 GP3188 GP3688 RDV2020 RDV2080D RDV4100 RDV4160D RDV5100
Compact and with a flexible design, the CM200 and CM300 mobile radios are ideal for in-vehicle and dispatch use. Both models are designed to ensure ruggedness and reliability, ease of use and functionality. Portable and Mobile Radio Accessory and Battery Catalog: CP185, CP200, CP200.XLS, ...