SafeRide is one of the leading instructor training facilities in Florida. Many other schools around the state were founded by coaches who got their start right here with us, then went on to open their own training sites. There is a shortage of certified motorcycle training instructors all over...
Achieving mastery can happen fast for some and slower for others. Motorcycle rider training schools can definitely accelerate the process. There are basic, advanced and refresher courses available across the country. Your ability to fast track your learning curve is a little dependent on genetics and...
At the request of the participants in 2017 and again this year, Moin incorporated some special sites on the route. He coordinated a visit to a woman-owned-and-staffed furniture-making and homebuilding business. We were able to visit some local schools, including a hostel for young women atte...
Yukio - My season has been a bit up and down and this does not make me so happy so far. I have a good bike and know my results should be a lot better. Sometimes the bike is not so easy because some little changes can produce big effects - and not always in the right direction....