But the inner glow of bodge-jobbing the sidestand — a sort of Pirsig Zen Buddhist calm satisfaction, I suppose — stayed with me for the ride home and after. * 1— Bodge job is British term that means temporary repair. A botched job, on the other hand, is a screwed-up affair. 2...
four elements above can be shown with sufficient evidence. The most common types of recoverable damages in motorcycle accidents include the victim’s medical bills, costs for physical therapy or rehabilitation, lost wages, loss of future income, pain and suffering, and costs for motorcycle repair....
…and electric has buckets of both. Near instantaneous torque is what makes electric so addicting; dank nooners and effortless climbs, electric motors put power to the back wheel, right bloody now. That’s the whole purpose of motor controllers, to smooth the power delivery output of the motor...
Seems this road is always under construction, over the past year or two, to repair a slide near the top on the Tennessee side of the border. As the only road which crosses the park, right through the heart of it, it carries heavy traffic loads. Now,a large section has washed out abo...
The Cherohala Skywayis very much like the Blue Ridge Parkway running50 milesbetween the small towns at either end. It climbs to the highest ridges as it courses through the vast wilderness of theCherokee and Nantahala National Forests. There are numerous nice overlooks to appreciate the views....
In England, the government offers “Enhanced Riding Schemes,” or courses that are designed to improve a rider’s safety.[1] 2 Behave as if no car can see you. Many drivers have trouble spotting motorcycles on the road, whether because of a blind spot or because they’re not paying at...
♦Punkin Center– Located at the Tennessee end of The Dragon whereTN 72intersects, it’s an ideal spot for ridingThe Dragon / Cherohala Skyway loop ride. There is a popular motorcycle campground here, a restaurant, and a repair shop. ...