…and electric has buckets of both. Near instantaneous torque is what makes electric so addicting; dank nooners and effortless climbs, electric motors put power to the back wheel, right bloody now. That’s the whole purpose of motor controllers, to smooth the power delivery output of the motor...
of the seven wonders of the ancient world, are the ruins of the foundation. In the 15thcentury, the Knights Hospitaller used part of its stones to build the Castle of Bodrum, which can also be visited and is located near the port. Bodrum is a very touristy destination and prices are ...
The Cherohala Skywayis very much like the Blue Ridge Parkway running50 milesbetween the small towns at either end. It climbs to the highest ridges as it courses through the vast wilderness of theCherokee and Nantahala National Forests. There are numerous nice overlooks to appreciate the views.T...
To prepare I did things quite informally in that I didn’t spend any money on courses or test exams but spent the time to do every learning path from the list on thesyllabus pageand the additional learning paths from thefeatured training for AZ-400 on the Microsoft Partner training page. ...