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Weekend and weekday classes available so you can reach your riding goals and get out on the road! North Tampa South Orlando East Orlando The Villages Eustis Lake Wales Two Wheel or Three Wheel Courses Schedule a Class If the schedule won’t load, please call us!352-589-7233 ...
As time passed, boredom intensified with extended “windshield time”. For me, riding beats driving almost every time. I never trusted a European-plated dirt bike to endure the 300-mile round-trip commute to my favorite riding areas. I grew impatient with the off-road maintenance schedule and...
MTL Moto Pro: We offer complete training packages from being a complete beginner to the most expert riders. Whatever your skill set, MTL Moto Pro has the knowledge and experience to make you a more skilled rider.
Alex Walton hardly put a foot down to handily win Expert and Carl Muller had an awesome 2 point final loop to lead Advanced. Cam Collie and Guy Smeeth took the Senior classes and Starla Smeeth had 3 consistent loops to win Int. Bob Clark completely forgot to put a foot down all day in...
and it’s a touchstone for us. The local racing organization, AFM, has two classes for which this bike is eligible, 250 Production, and more interesting, 250 Superbike. The Ninja 250/300 is the dominant force in these classes. We discussed what it would take to make this bike into a ...