After doing a search here I found this mine was a bit different in make up and use. So I posted mine. I have a battery tender connected to my bikes. My usb/charger connects to the same wire used for charging ...
This is also a great place to place notes regarding any of the bike's quirks you don't want the buyer to forget(specially so they don't bother you again later), like reminding them to use a battery tender if the motorcycle has an alarm (which discharges the battery) so they don't ...
This morning my iPod died. Such a sad day. It froze last night on a Santana song on the way home in the rain. I put it in the dock to charge it and this morning it was completely dead. No reset and no charging image on the screen. I replaced the battery with a new one I had...
Install theredring terminal to thepositivebattery post. Your wiring is installed and the USB charger should work. ***I routed the connection between theextension cableand thefused battery connection cableto thetrunkof my bike. This will allow me to easily pop the trunk and connect aBattery Te...