cross-validation. In the inner split, gridsearch was applied to identify the best hyperparameters for the penalty, namely the L1 to L2 ratio and the alpha (strength of penalty) parameter. Performance was reported with mean and standard deviation of the R2 score across the five outer test ...
This result, together with the strong length effect on typing ILIs and WRD, strength- ens the view that typing may require a heavier segmentation processing than hand- writing (Cerni & Job, 2022). An additional account for the major role of sublexical reading skills in typing, and the ...
The proposed approach has several strengths regarding rigor and reproducibility. First, by validating our model using data from our previous experiment (i.e., from a non-stroke cohort of older adults), bias is minimized. Second, by testing this validated model on an independent stroke dataset, ...
Clinical assessment Clinical lesion severity was examined on admission to the hospital using the AIS.10 The AIS provides a subjective estimation of voluntary contraction strength for five upper limb (C5 to T1) and five lower limb (L2 to S1) muscles on each side along with the perception of ...
(aka Cognition), Communication, Aggression and Motor. The Motor sub-scale is not limited to upper-limb performance, but relates to whole-body strength, coordination and mobility, and the ability to complete daily tasks. The Cognition and Communication sub-scales measure the extent to which people...
underwent baseline and annual detailed exam which included assessment of motor strength and perfor- Assess ment ofLoneliness mances[18,23]. Weusedlinear mixed-effect modelsto Weassessed loneliness using a modified version ofthe test the hypothesis that a higher level of loneliness at de Jong-Gier...
The law warns that the size and strength of such animals in concert with their natural and unpredictable and/or predatory nature can result in severe injury or death when an attack upon a human occurs. Bears, wolves, non-human primates, and large exotic cats are not allowed but with a ...
Age in years was computed from self-reported date of birth, and date of the baseline clinical examination was that at which the strength measures were first collected. Education (reported highest grade or years of education) was obtained at the time of the baseline cognitive testing. Weight and...
Participation in additional physical activities that may influence study outcomes, such as balance or strength training, was not allowed and individuals who initiated additional training were excluded. The control group had no training contact with researchers between pre- and post-testing visits and ...
Participation in additional physical activities that may influence study outcomes, such as balance or strength training, was not allowed and individuals who initiated additional training were excluded. The control group had no training contact with researchers between pre- and post-testing visits and ...