电机功率(Motor power) Calculation formula of motor power Lift 40 meters, flow 45L/S That is to raise 45L of water by 40 meters per second Assuming the diameter is 100MM, the water flow rate is (45*10 ^ -3) (PI / /4*10^-2) =5.732M/S The energy that water gets per second is...
Efficiency (%) Power factor P.F (%) Voltage (V) Motor power calculation formula: Single item: \(P=I×220×Cosφ·η\) Three items: \(P=I×1.73×380×Cosφ·η\) (The single-item motor power factor and efficiency are both 0.75, and the three-items motor is 0.85 each).Sign...
Two,280KWpumpmotorratedcurrentandstartingcurrentcalculationformulaandthecorrespondingspecifications (1)thecurrentofthe280KWmotorisrelatedtothenumberofpolesandthepowerfactor.Thegeneralformulais:current=((280KW/380V)/1.73)/0.8.5=501A (2)thestartingcurrentis7timesoftheratedcurrentifitisstarteddirectly. ...
电机功率(Motorpower) Calculationformulaofmotorpower Lift40meters,flow45L/S Thatistoraise45Lofwaterby40meterspersecond Assumingthediameteris100MM,thewaterflowrateis(45*10 ^-3)(PI//4*10^-2)=5.732M/S Theenergythatwatergetspersecondiskineticenergy+ ...
Pout=Output power (hp) t=Torque (lbf.ft) N=Rotational speed (rpm) Engineers can also utilize the electric motor horsepower calculators on manufacturers’ websites for their motor power calculation needs. Motor Efficiency Calculator: A Key Formula for Electric Motor Performance ...
2.The calculating formula of determining compressor structure parameter is derived by thermodynamic counter calculation based on motor power.推导出了按电动机功率,通过热力学逆运算,确定压缩机结构参数的计算公式。 6)high power motor大功率电机 1.The comparison and selection of starting way of high power ...
摘要: This paper describes the energy-power relation of a hammer crusher which is crushing some material, searches for a method to determin the motor power and offers a formula for motor power calculation. Additionally the ways to lower ineffective energycost are discussed.关键词:...
Plugging these numbers into the formula we get a max speed of: So at max throttle, this motor will rotate at 3600 RPM. If we applied only 75% throttle, corresponding to 300 V, it would rotate at a speed of 2700 RPM. Conclusion As demonstrated in this article, there are a few ways ...
(2)whentheformulacisused,thecapacityunitiskW,the voltageunitiskV,andthecurrentunitisA,whichmustbe noted. (3)thecoefficient0.76intheformulacisthecomprehensive valueofthecalculationofmotorpowerfactorandefficiency. Thepowerfactoris0.85andtheefficiencyisnot0.9.Thetwo ...
(3)C0.76isacomprehensivecoefficientformulacalculation andconsideringthemotorefficiencyandpowerfactoretc..The powerfactoris0.85andtheefficiencyisnot0.9.Thetwo valuesaremore suitable for motors with dozens of kW or more, and the motors under 10kW are larger. This is values the motor ...